Republican Presidential Candidates Vow to Back Trump During Debate Filled With Insults, Sexual Innuendo

Republican Presidential Candidates Vow to Back Trump During Debate Filled With Insults, Sexual Innuendo

Three of the remaining Republican presidential candidates, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and John Kasich, stated on Thursday that they would back Donald Trump should he become the nominee, despite condemning the same man they vowed to support during the mudslinging brawl of a debate as Trump repeatedly unleashed personal insults, and even at the start of […]

Trump Again Asserts Planned Parenthood ‘Has Done Very Good Work’ for ‘Millions of Women’

Trump Again Asserts Planned Parenthood ‘Has Done Very Good Work’ for ‘Millions of Women’

PALM BEACH, Fla. — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump again repeated his belief on Tuesday that while he would defund the abortion giant Planned Parenthood because it murders unborn children, the organization “has done very good work” for “millions of women.” Trump held a news conference in Palm Beach on Super Tuesday night instead of […]

‘I’ve Been Concerned’: Top Liberty University Board Member at Odds With Falwell Over Trump Endorsement

‘I’ve Been Concerned’: Top Liberty University Board Member at Odds With Falwell Over Trump Endorsement

A top member of Liberty University’s board of directors is expressing concern over university President Jerry Falwell’s endorsement of Donald Trump, stating that Trump’s behavior does not comport with that of a Christian. Mark DeMoss, the founder of the Atlanta-based public relations firm DeMoss, serves as the chairman of Liberty University’s executive committee. In speaking with […]

Trump Taxes Reveal Donations to ‘Gay’ Activists, Including Group Promoting Homosexuality to Children

Trump Taxes Reveal Donations to ‘Gay’ Activists, Including Group Promoting Homosexuality to Children

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump donated $30,000 to “gay” activist organizations in 2012, a filed tax return outlines, including to a group that promotes homosexuality to children. The Donald J. Trump Foundation donated $20,000 to the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) according to a form 990 posted online and available for public review, […]

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee’s Daughter Joins Trump Campaign as Senior Adviser

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee’s Daughter Joins Trump Campaign as Senior Adviser

(Politico) — Sarah Huckabee Sanders, previously the campaign manager for former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s 2016 presidential effort, has joined Donald Trump’s campaign. Huckabee Sanders, daughter of the former governor, will serve as a senior adviser for the campaign. “I volunteered to join Mr. Trump’s campaign because he is a champion of working families; not Washington-Wall […]

Trump Claims Yearly IRS Audits May Be Because He’s ‘Strong Christian’

Trump Claims Yearly IRS Audits May Be Because He’s ‘Strong Christian’

In speaking about being audited by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) each year, the thrice-married, unbridled tongued Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Thursday night that perhaps he is being targeted by the government because he is a “strong Christian.” “I’m always audited by the IRS, which I think is very unfair,” he told CNN’s Chris […]

‘I’m Convinced He’s a Christian’: Jerry Falwell, Jr. Again Vouches for Trump Following ‘Pope’ Remarks

‘I’m Convinced He’s a Christian’: Jerry Falwell, Jr. Again Vouches for Trump Following ‘Pope’ Remarks

Following controversy over comments made on Thursday by the Roman Catholic Pontiff known as “Pope Francis” suggesting that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump might not be a Christian, Jerry Falwell, Jr., the president of the what heralds itself as the world’s largest Christian university, again went on national television to vouch for the casino-owning, foul-mouthed candidate. […]

Trump Says He’d Consider Bill Pryor for Supreme Court, AG Who Prosecuted ‘Ten Commandments’ Judge

Trump Says He’d Consider Bill Pryor for Supreme Court, AG Who Prosecuted ‘Ten Commandments’ Judge

CHARLESTON, S.C. — During Saturday night’s Republican presidential debate in South Carolina, Donald Trump said that if he were to nominate a judge to replace Justice Antonin Scalia, he would consider Diane Sykes or Bill Pryor, the latter of which prosecuted “Ten Commandments Judge” Roy Moore. “If I were president now, I would certainly want […]

Trump Promises ‘More Forward Motion’ on ‘Gay Equality’ Under Presidency

Trump Promises ‘More Forward Motion’ on ‘Gay Equality’ Under Presidency

EXETER, N.H. — Donald Trump told a lesbian publisher in New Hampshire on Thursday that the American people will see “more forward motion” on “gay equality” under his presidency, citing it as a part of his effort to bring people together. Trump was interviewed in Exeter by Susan O’Connell, the publisher of Bay Windows, which […]

Professing ‘Christian’ Trump Increases Use of Vulgar, Profane Language on Campaign Trail

Professing ‘Christian’ Trump Increases Use of Vulgar, Profane Language on Campaign Trail

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who was endorsed two weeks ago by Jerry Falwell, Jr., the president of what heralds itself as the world’s largest Christian university, stepped up his use of profanity this week while on the campaign trail in New Hampshire. During his town hall rally in Portsmouth on Thursday, while […]

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