‘Pope’ Visits Buddhist Temple in Sri Lanka, Sees Relics from Buddha’s Disciples

‘Pope’ Visits Buddhist Temple in Sri Lanka, Sees Relics from Buddha’s Disciples

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — The pontiff of the Roman Catholic religion visited a Buddhist temple in the capital of Sri Lanka on Wednesday at the invitation of the head of a prominent Buddhist organization in the country. Francis made a last minute stop to the Agrashravaka Temple at the bidding of head monk Banagala Upatissa, […]

Pennsylvania Abortion Rate Falls to All Time Low, But Over 32,000 Still Aborted in 2013

Pennsylvania Abortion Rate Falls to All Time Low, But Over 32,000 Still Aborted in 2013

HARRISBURG, Pa. — The abortion rate in Pennsylvania has fallen to an all time low according to a new report from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, but over 32,000 babies still lost their lives in 2013—the latest year with statistics available. “In 2013, there were 32,108 abortions performed in Pennsylvania. The 2013 figure is a […]

Planned Parenthood Report: 327,653 Babies Aborted By Organization in 2013

WASHINGTON – A newly-released report by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America shows that the organization performed over 300,000 abortions in 2013—the latest figures on record—equating to 37 abortions per hour or 1 almost every 90 seconds. The abortion giant releases the report each year to tout its achievements, which include services largely centering around sexual activity. “In […]

‘Pope’ Francis, Roman Catholics Worldwide Observe ‘Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God’

‘Pope’ Francis, Roman Catholics Worldwide Observe ‘Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God’

ROME — In the next Roman Catholic holiday on the liturgical calendar following Christmas, Catholics worldwide observed the “Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God” today, a tradition that is perhaps little known by Christians but would nonetheless be rejected by most. The feast day is a long-held Roman Catholic holiday that is meant to celebrate […]

2014 Year in Review: Marriage, Muslims and the Abortion Pill Mandate

2014 Year in Review: Marriage, Muslims and the Abortion Pill Mandate

As the year comes to a close, many like to reflect on the significant stories that shaped the past twelve months. A number of major events affected Christians throughout 2014, from the U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding Hobby Lobby’s right to refuse to pay for abortifacient drugs, to the numerous court rulings nationwide striking down […]

Black Leader Says Teen’s Death After Pulling Gun on Police Reveals Sin, Not Skin Problem

Black Leader Says Teen’s Death After Pulling Gun on Police Reveals Sin, Not Skin Problem

BERKELEY, Mo. — A prominent black Christian leader who works with youth says that our nation needs to stop pointing fingers at the police and start preaching the gospel following the second shooting in the Ferguson, Missouri area, which resulted in the death of an armed teenager. At approximately 11 p.m. Tuesday night, a police […]

‘Gay’ Porn Star Sentenced to Life in Prison After Murdering, Dismembering Lover

‘Gay’ Porn Star Sentenced to Life in Prison After Murdering, Dismembering Lover

TORONTO — A self-professed homosexual “porn star” has been sentenced to life in prison after being declared guilty of murdering, defiling and dismembering the body of a college student who was believed to have been his lover. As previously reported, Luka Magnotta, 32, was taken into custody in 2012 and accused of killing 33-year-old Jun […]

Did King David Actually Exist? Extraordinary Artifact Confirms Biblical Account

Did King David Actually Exist? Extraordinary Artifact Confirms Biblical Account

NEW YORK – A nearly 3,000-year-old artifact currently on display in New York City confirms the historicity of King David and contradicts the secular belief that the biblical monarch never actually existed. In recent years, some historians and archaeologists have claimed that King David of the Bible was an entirely fictional character. Others contend that […]

Kirk Cameron, Former Evangelical Pastor Take to TBN to Make Case for Santa Claus

Kirk Cameron, Former Evangelical Pastor Take to TBN to Make Case for Santa Claus

COSTA MESA, Ca. — Actor and filmmaker Kirk Cameron recently invited a former evangelical pastor to TBN to make the case for Santa Claus as Cameron promotes his new film “Saving Christmas,” which seeks to convince Christians who choose not to celebrate the holiday. Cameron shared a segment of the interview on his Facebook page on Tuesday, in […]