Ferguson on Fire: Violent Protests Erupt in Streets Following Grand Jury Decision Not to Indict

Ferguson on Fire: Violent Protests Erupt in Streets Following Grand Jury Decision Not to Indict

FERGUSON, Mo. — Following the announcement that a grand jury had chosen not to indict a Missouri police officer who fatally shot a teenager this past August, violence erupted on the streets of Ferguson, with angry rioters setting fires, looting and destroying area businesses. Rioters gathered around a police car and sought to overturn the vehicle, […]

‘Maybe the Grinch Had a Point’: Kirk Cameron’s ‘Saving Christmas’ Won’t Be Saved From Critics

‘Maybe the Grinch Had a Point’: Kirk Cameron’s ‘Saving Christmas’ Won’t Be Saved From Critics

Kirk Cameron, who recently asserted that Christians should throw the ‘biggest party on the block’ for Halloween and that Santa Claus is actually a “defender of the faith,” is receiving mixed reviews for his new film “Saving Christmas,” including from critics who state that the actor is seeking to stamp out any opposition to his personal […]

Liberty University Student Editor Raises Concern After Calling for ‘Common Ground’ With Homosexuals

Liberty University Student Editor Raises Concern After Calling for ‘Common Ground’ With Homosexuals

LYNCHBURG, Va. — An editor of Liberty University’s student newspaper is raising concern after releasing an article that calls upon Christians and homosexuals to find “common ground.” “Common ground is what makes the world continue to move, grow and advance,” wrote Tre Goins-Phillips, opinion editor of The Liberty Champion, named after the university’s motto “Training Champions for Christ.” […]

Little Girl Screaming ‘Shut Up’ at Street Preacher in ‘Witch City’ Goes Viral

SALEM, Mass. – A video showing a little girl with pigtails screaming at a street preacher to ‘shut up’ as she relentlessly mocked him and his message of redemption through Jesus Christ has gone viral. The video posted on Live Leak, which has been viewed more than 250,000 times, shows a child approaching a man […]

Pope Contradicts Genesis Account of Creation, Argues ‘God and Evolution’ Are Compatible

Pope Contradicts Genesis Account of Creation, Argues ‘God and Evolution’ Are Compatible

ROME — The Roman Catholic Pontiff Francis addressed an audience at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on Monday, during which he reaffirmed long-held Catholic beliefs that evolution is not “inconsistent” with Creation. “When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. […]

Prominent Atheist Organization Closely Tied to Abortion Industry

Prominent Atheist Organization Closely Tied to Abortion Industry

MADISON, Wisc. – A prominent atheist organization that routinely challenges Christians in court was founded with close ties to the abortion industry, according to recent reports. Since 1978, the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) has promoted secularism and advocated for the so-called “separation of church and state.” The organization regularly challenges references to God […]

Televangelist Accused of Pushing Abortion Admits to Encouraging, Inspecting Men’s Vasectomies

Televangelist Accused of Pushing Abortion Admits to Encouraging, Inspecting Men’s Vasectomies

AKRON, Ohio — A controversial ‘pastor’ and televangelist, who has been accused by former members of counseling women to obtain abortions, has admitted to urging male members to have vasectomies and then inspecting their private parts after the surgery. Ernest Angley, 93, has been leading Grace Cathedral since the 1950’s and was a prominent televangelist in […]

Vatican Astronomer Calls Young Earth Creation Beliefs ‘Almost Blasphemous’

Vatican Astronomer Calls Young Earth Creation Beliefs ‘Almost Blasphemous’

BRISBANE, Australia – An influential Catholic astronomer who works at the Holy See’s Vatican Observatory told a news outlet last week that the literal interpretation of the Genesis creation account is ‘almost blasphemous theology.’ Guy Consolmagno is Coordinator for Public Relations at the Vatican Observatory, which is an astronomical institute operated by the Roman Catholic […]

Students Nationwide Participate in ‘Bring Your Bible to School Day’

Students Nationwide Participate in ‘Bring Your Bible to School Day’

Students nationwide participated in a national effort called ‘Bring Your Bible to School Day’ on Thursday. The initiative, sponsored by the organizations Focus on the Family and Day of Dialogue, is stated to be “designed to empower Christian students who have a heart for sharing Christ’s love and express a Biblical perspective on current-day issues […]