Scripture Removed From School Retaining Wall Following Complaint

Scripture Removed From School Retaining Wall Following Complaint

NORTH EDWARDS, Calif. — A Scripture citation written on a retaining wall at a public school in California has been painted over following receipt of a complaint from one of the nation’s most conspicuous professing atheist organizations. The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) had submitted the letter to the Muroc Joint Unified School District, […]

Popular ‘Progressive’ Religious Blogger, Author Rachel Held Evans Dies at 37

Popular ‘Progressive’ Religious Blogger, Author Rachel Held Evans Dies at 37

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Rachel Held Evans, a popular yet controversial blogger and author who described herself as a “doubt-filled believer,” and who voiced support for homosexuals and transgenders in the Church, has died following complications with treatment for an infection. Evans had posted to Twitter on April 14 that she had been admitted to the […]

Pat Robertson Calls Young Earth Creation ‘Nonsense,’ ‘Embarrassing,’ Claims Universe Is 14 Billion Years Old

Pat Robertson Calls Young Earth Creation ‘Nonsense,’ ‘Embarrassing,’ Claims Universe Is 14 Billion Years Old

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — During the Tuesday broadcast of “The 700 Club,” televangelist Pat Robertson told viewers that young earth teaching is “nonsense” and “embarrassing,” and that Christians shouldn’t “limit” God to 6,000 years. Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis has since commented on the matter, calling upon Robertson to “repent of compromise” that “undermines […]

HHS Issues ‘Conscience Rights in Health Care’ Rule to Protect Religious Objectors to Abortion, Assisted Suicide

HHS Issues ‘Conscience Rights in Health Care’ Rule to Protect Religious Objectors to Abortion, Assisted Suicide

WASHINGTON — The Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has announced the issuance of a final rule that is meant to ensure the protection of the conscience rights of medical professionals and others who have objections to abortion or physician-assisted suicide. “Finally, laws prohibiting government-funded discrimination against conscience and […]

Time Magazine Features Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg With ‘Husband’ on ‘First Family’ Cover

Time Magazine Features Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg With ‘Husband’ on ‘First Family’ Cover

Time Magazine has featured Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg and his “husband” Chasten Glezman on its May cover, with the large-lettered headline “First Family.” The print version is expected to roll out on May 13, but the article itself is currently available on the outlet’s website. The report gives significant attention to Buttigieg’s homosexuality, and […]

Alabama Lawmaker Claims: ‘You Kill Them Now’ Via Abortion or ‘You Kill Them Later’ With Societal Hardship

Alabama Lawmaker Claims: ‘You Kill Them Now’ Via Abortion or ‘You Kill Them Later’ With Societal Hardship

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — A Democratic lawmaker is defending his words after claiming on the Alabama House floor this week that if you bring “unwanted” children into the world, you end up sending them “to the electric chair,” and so “you kill them now or you kill them later.” “[I]t ought to be a woman’s choice,” […]

Alabama House Advances Bill Criminalizing Abortion, But With Exceptions and No Penalty for Mother

Alabama House Advances Bill Criminalizing Abortion, But With Exceptions and No Penalty for Mother

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — The Alabama House of Representatives has advanced a bill that would make the performance of an abortion a crime, but with exceptions and with a clause specifically exempting the mother from any civil or criminal liability. House Bill 314, also known as the “Human Life Protection Act,” passed 74 to 3 on […]

‘Transgenders’ Sue Tennessee in Effort to Have Birth Certificate Changed to Reflect ‘Gender Identity’

‘Transgenders’ Sue Tennessee in Effort to Have Birth Certificate Changed to Reflect ‘Gender Identity’

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Four “transgendered” people have filed suit against the State of Tennessee in an effort to obtain a court order that would allow them to have their birth certificate changed to reflect their “gender identity.” “For transgender people, the sex designation on their original birth certificate is inaccurate because they were assigned the […]