Hillsong United Band Leader Calls Jen Hatmaker’s Remarks on Homosexuality ‘Refreshing’

Hillsong United Band Leader Calls Jen Hatmaker’s Remarks on Homosexuality ‘Refreshing’

Joel Houston, the leader of the popular worship ban Hillsong United, is raising concern after he recently remarked that he found an interview with HGTV celebrity and author Jen Hatmaker—who revealed that she believes homosexuals should be supported in and by the church—to be “refreshing.” Hatmaker had been interviewed by Jonathan Merritt of Religion News […]

U.S. Evangelicals Change Their Mind: Personal Ethics of Politicians Not Important Anymore

U.S. Evangelicals Change Their Mind: Personal Ethics of Politicians Not Important Anymore

(Evangelical Focus) — In 2011, only 30% of white evangelical Protestants in the USA would support a politician who commits immoral acts in their personal life. Five years later, the statistic has changed drastically. A new survey published by New York Magazine shows that 72% of white evangelical Protestants in the USA “now believe elected […]

‘I Strongly Support Roe v. Wade,’ Clinton Reiterates at Final Presidential Debate

‘I Strongly Support Roe v. Wade,’ Clinton Reiterates at Final Presidential Debate

LAS VEGAS, Nev. — During the third and final presidential debate before the 2016 election, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton reiterated her commitment to keeping abortion legal and appointing justices to the U.S. Supreme Court that would do so. “First of all, where do you want to see the court take the country?” moderator Chris Wallace […]

Planned Parenthood President Says She ‘Doesn’t Know’ When Unborn Have Constitutional Rights

Planned Parenthood President Says She ‘Doesn’t Know’ When Unborn Have Constitutional Rights

AMES, Iowa — The president of the abortion and birth control giant Planned Parenthood told an Iowa radio station this week that she doesn’t know when a baby has constitutional rights, and that it’s “not the problem we are facing in America.” Cecile Richards, daughter of former Texas Gov. Ann Richards, has been campaigning this […]

‘Let Women Make Their Own Decisions’: Tim Kaine Reiterates Abortion Support Despite Personal Beliefs

‘Let Women Make Their Own Decisions’: Tim Kaine Reiterates Abortion Support Despite Personal Beliefs

FARMVILLE, Va. — During the first vice presidential debate for the 2016 election, Tim Kaine, the running mate of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, reiterated his support for keeping abortion legal despite his own personal identity as a Roman Catholic. Kaine, as well as Trump running mate Mike Pence, were asked by moderator Elaine Quijano of […]

United Church of Canada Review Committee Recommends Atheist Minister Be Defrocked

United Church of Canada Review Committee Recommends Atheist Minister Be Defrocked

TORONTO — A review committee with the United Church of Canada has recommended the removal of an ordained minister who identifies as an atheist. “I don’t believe in … the god called God,” Gretta Vosper told the Globe and Mail last year. “Using the word gets in the way of sharing what I want to share.” As previously reported, Vosper […]

America Remembers Lives Lost as Nation Marks 15th Anniversary of 9/11 Terror Attack

America Remembers Lives Lost as Nation Marks 15th Anniversary of 9/11 Terror Attack

NEW YORK — The nation paused on Sunday to remember the nearly 3,000 lives lost 15 years ago when Islamic terrorists launched a coordinated attack on two World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon, and hijacked a fourth plane destined for an unknown location. Memorial services were held in New York and Washington today, as well […]

Clinton Vows at DNC to Defend Homosexuality, Abortion If Elected President

Clinton Vows at DNC to Defend Homosexuality, Abortion If Elected President

PHILADELPHIA — During her speech on Thursday accepting the Democratic nomination for president of the United States, Hillary Clinton again vowed to defend homosexuality and abortion if elected. “We will defend all our rights—civil rights, human rights and voting rights—women’s rights and workers’ rights—LGBT rights and the rights of people with disabilities!” she declared to […]

PayPal Co-Founder Declares at Republican National Convention: ‘I Am Proud to Be Gay’

PayPal Co-Founder Declares at Republican National Convention: ‘I Am Proud to Be Gay’

CLEVELAND, Ohio — The co-founder of PayPal spoke at the Republican National Convention on Thursday, declaring to those gathered that he is “proud to be gay” and Republican, which drew applause from some in the crowd. Billionaire Peter Thiel, who also sits on the board of Facebook, referenced during his speech a variety of issues that he […]

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