Two Explosive Devices Planted at Nigerian Church

Two Explosive Devices Planted at Nigerian Church

JOS, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – A congregation in this central Nigerian city continued worshiping on July 12 after a security man found and tossed over a fence a bomb before it exploded, the pastor said. Authorities later discovered a second bomb on the church premises and disposed of it, said Ezekiel Omidiji, senior pastor […]

FBI Director: ISIS-Inspired Independence Day Terror Plots Thwarted ‘Coast to Coast’

FBI Director: ISIS-Inspired Independence Day Terror Plots Thwarted ‘Coast to Coast’

WASHINGTON — The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) told reporters on Thursday that the department thwarted a number of ISIS-inspired terror plots likely scheduled for July 4 from “coast to coast.” “I do believe our work disrupted efforts to kill people, likely in connection with July 4,” James Comey stated as he […]

Ohio Judge Who Serves as Church Elder Refuses to ‘Marry’ Lesbians in Courthouse

Ohio Judge Who Serves as Church Elder Refuses to ‘Marry’ Lesbians in Courthouse

TOLEDO, Ohio — An Ohio judge who also serves as an elder in his local congregation has refused to marry two lesbians this week based on his “personal and Christian beliefs” about marriage. Toledo Municipal Judge C. Allen McConnell, an elder at First Church of God in Columbus, declined to officiate for Carolyn Wilson and […]

Oklahoma Governor Refuses to Remove Ten Commandments Monument Following Ruling

Oklahoma Governor Refuses to Remove Ten Commandments Monument Following Ruling

OKLAHOMA CITY — The governor of Oklahoma is standing her ground and refusing to remove a Ten Commandments monument following a ruling by the state Supreme Court declaring that the display must go because it infringed the state Constitution. Gov. Mary Fallin announced on Tuesday that the monument will stay in place while the state […]

Jimmy Carter on ‘Gay Marriage’: ‘I Think Jesus Would Encourage Any Love Affair’

Jimmy Carter on ‘Gay Marriage’: ‘I Think Jesus Would Encourage Any Love Affair’

Former President Jimmy Carter, a professing Christian who teaches Sunday School at a Baptist Church in Georgia, asserted this week that Jesus would approve of same-sex “marriage,” and really, “any love affair.” “I believe Jesus would. I don’t have any verse in Scripture,” he told the Huffington Post on Tuesday. “I believe Jesus would approve […]

Group Launches National Effort to Abolish Religious Freedom Laws Protecting People of Faith

Group Launches National Effort to Abolish Religious Freedom Laws Protecting People of Faith

WASHINGTON — A prominent church-state separation group led by an ordained United Church of Christ minister has launched a national effort to fight religious freedom laws that seek to provide conscience protections for people of faith. Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU) announced its “Protect Thy Neighbor” campaign on Tuesday to combat […]

Texas ‘Church’ Hosts Mass ‘Gay Wedding’

Texas ‘Church’ Hosts Mass ‘Gay Wedding’

HOUSTON, Texas — A “church” in liberal Houston, Texas hosted a mass “gay wedding” on Sunday following the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling declaring that all 50 states must legalize same-sex “marriage.” The event took place at Resurrection Community Church and was officiated by three ministers, including leader Troy Treash. “I’m happy to be a pastor […]

Texas Teen Arrested After Allegedly Plotting Columbine-Style Church Massacre

Texas Teen Arrested After Allegedly Plotting Columbine-Style Church Massacre

FORT WORTH, Texas — A teenager in Texas has been arrested and now faces a felony charge for allegedly plotting a massacre on a local church. Nicholas Amrine, 19, posted a series of threats on Facebook last month, warning some not to attend Convergence Church’s upcoming youth event. According to reports, Amrine had participated in […]