Dalai Lama Opens U.S. Senate for First Time with ‘Prayer’ to ‘Buddha and All Other gods’

Dalai Lama Opens U.S. Senate for First Time with ‘Prayer’ to ‘Buddha and All Other gods’

WASHINGTON — For the first time ever, the leader of Tibetan Buddhism opened the United States Senate with ‘prayer’ on Thursday, wishing for world peace and ‘good fortune’ for America’s lawmakers. After being introduced by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and escorted by Senator Mazi Hirono (D-HI), the Dalai Lama characterized himself as only being “a simple Buddhist […]

Megachurch Minister Remains Under Fire for Allegedly Manufacturing Mass Baptisms

Megachurch Minister Remains Under Fire for Allegedly Manufacturing Mass Baptisms

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – A North Carolina megachurch minister remains under fire for his alleged practice of instructing volunteers to strategically respond to salvation calls in order to bolster baptism numbers. Steven Furtick leads Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, one of the largest megachurches in the United States, with weekly attendance above 14,000. According to […]

D.C. Mayor Orders Insurance Companies to Offer Coverage for Sex Change Treatments

D.C. Mayor Orders Insurance Companies to Offer Coverage for Sex Change Treatments

WASHINGTON — The mayor of Washington, D.C. has ordered insurance companies in the district to offer coverage to residents who seek sex change treatments. “This action places the district at the forefront of advancing the rights of transgender individuals,” Mayor Vincent Gray said during a press conference on Thursday. “It also fully implements the district’s […]

Planned Parenthood President: My Children’s Lives Began ‘When I Delivered Them’

Planned Parenthood President: My Children’s Lives Began ‘When I Delivered Them’

In a recent interview with Fusion TV, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards stated that she believes her children’s lives began at the time of delivery. Richards was being interviewed on the broadcast America with Jorge Ramos, who posed a question regarding Richards’ personal views on when life begins. “For you, when does life start?” Ramos […]

Federal Judge Strikes Down Texas Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Ban

Federal Judge Strikes Down Texas Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Ban

SAN ANTONIO, Texas — A federal judge nominated by then-President Bill Clinton has struck down a constitutional amendment in Texas that defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia issued his decision, stating that the current law “demeans the dignity” of homosexuals “for no legitimate reason.” […]

Arizona Governor Vetoes Bill Protecting Religious Rights of Business Owners

Arizona Governor Vetoes Bill Protecting Religious Rights of Business Owners

PHOENIX — A billed passed by Arizona lawmakers last week which sought to protect business owners and shield them from unlawful discrimination lawsuits has been vetoed by Governor Jan Brewer. “I sincerely believe that Senate Bill 1062 has the potential to create more problems than it purports to solve. It could divide Arizona in ways […]