North Dakota Assistant Attorney General: ‘There is No Right Under State Law to an Abortion’

North Dakota Assistant Attorney General: ‘There is No Right Under State Law to an Abortion’

BISMARCK — The North Dakota Supreme Court heard argument this week on whether the state may disregard federal rulings on abortion and solely follow the state Constitution when creating laws that restrict or regulate the procedure. In 2011, North Dakota legislators passed a bill that restricted drug-based abortions to those that only follow the Food […]

Congressman Louie Gohmert: ‘When a Nation’s Leaders Honor God, That Nation is Protected’

Congressman Louie Gohmert: ‘When a Nation’s Leaders Honor God, That Nation is Protected’

WASHINGTON — In a recent speech on the House floor, Republican Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas explained that throughout the Bible, God protects nations that honor Him, but destroys nations that turn away from His rule. Gohmert was speaking about the persecution of Christians around the world, including the in Middle East, and the mainstream […]

Federal Judge Strikes Down Part of Utah’s Polygamy Ban as Unconstitutional

Federal Judge Strikes Down Part of Utah’s Polygamy Ban as Unconstitutional

SALT LAKE CITY — A federal judge appointed by George W. Bush has struck down key parts of Utah’s polygamy ban as unconstitutional, while leaving intact the state prohibition against bigamy. As previously reported, Kody Brown of the TLC reality show Sister Wives, along with his four “wives,” Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn, filed suit […]

Senator Introduces Bill to Protect Churches From ‘Religious Discrimination By Federal Government’

Senator Introduces Bill to Protect Churches From ‘Religious Discrimination By Federal Government’

WASHINGTON — A Republican Senator from Utah has introduced a bill that would protect churches and other non-profit organizations from punishment over their stance on the institution of marriage. Senator Mike Lee, a Mormon, proposed the “Marriage and Religious Freedom Act” on Wednesday due to fears that the U.S. government may one day seek to […]

Wife of American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran Testifies to Congress: ‘I Fear He Will Be Left to Die’

Wife of American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran Testifies to Congress: ‘I Fear He Will Be Left to Die’

WASHINGTON — The wife of an American pastor imprisoned in Iran testified before a Congressional panel on Thursday, pleading for government intervention as she expressed her fears surrounding her husband’s plight. “My husband is suffering because he is a Christian. He is suffering because he is an American,” Naghmeh Abedini told the House Foreign Affairs […]

Judge Orders War Memorial Cross to Be Torn Down After Finding Display Unconstitutional

Judge Orders War Memorial Cross to Be Torn Down After Finding Display Unconstitutional

SAN DIEGO — Following nearly twenty five years of litigation in the courts, a federal judge appointed by George W. Bush has ordered that a historic war memorial cross be torn down as an unconstitutional government endorsement of Christianity. As previously reported, the Mount Soledad war memorial cross was erected near San Diego, California in […]

Voicemail Innovations Provide New Ways to Connect Pastors to Congregations

Voicemail Innovations Provide New Ways to Connect Pastors to Congregations

An increasing number of churches nationwide are seeking to utilize new technological advances, such as innovations in voicemail, to increase the connectivity between pastors and their congregations. While many churches have been utilizing standard answering machines to collect messages for years, some are riding the new wave of virtual voicemail to be more personable and available […]

‘Interactive Display for Children’ May Be Part of Proposed ‘Homage to Satan’ Near Ten Commandments

‘Interactive Display for Children’ May Be Part of Proposed ‘Homage to Satan’ Near Ten Commandments

OKLAHOMA CITY — A representative for a Satanist organization that is seeking to place a ‘homage to Satan’ near a Ten Commandments monument on the premises of the Oklahoma capitol building says that the group’s design may include an ‘interactive display for children.’ As previously reported, the Satanic Temple issued a news release about the […]

Michigan Lawmakers Approve Proposal Making Abortion Insurance Coverage Optional

Michigan Lawmakers Approve Proposal Making Abortion Insurance Coverage Optional

LANSING, MI — Legislators in Michigan have approved a proposal that essentially bars abortion insurance coverage in the state unless a woman specifically requests that the coverage be included in her plan. As previously reported, Michigan Right to Life filed the initiative last month, submitting 315,477 signatures to the office of the Secretary of State—well above […]