Filipino Pastor Held Hostage By Muslim Rebels

Filipino Pastor Held Hostage By Muslim Rebels

MANILA (BosNewsLife) — About 200 Muslim rebels were holding a pastor and nearly 300 other people hostage on Monday, September 9, in the southern Philippines following fierce clashes with government forces that left at least eight people dead, officials and a Christian aid group said. The latest fighting, which also injured several Christians, broke out when […]

‘Million Muslim March’ a Virtual No-Show in Nation’s Capital

‘Million Muslim March’ a Virtual No-Show in Nation’s Capital

WASHINGTON — A Million Muslim March that was scheduled for the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack on American soil was a virtual no-show today in the nation’s capital as many opposed the selection of the date for the event. As previously reported, the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC)—an organization that strives to “stimulate […]

Mother Barred From Praying on Steps of New Hampshire School Now Praying Silently on Campus

Mother Barred From Praying on Steps of New Hampshire School Now Praying Silently on Campus

CONCORD – A mother in New Hampshire who was barred from praying outside of the high school that her children attend has returned to the campus for the new school year, but is now praying silently each morning. As previously reported, Lizarda Urena has been praying on the steps of the Concord High School auditorium every […]

Florida Woman Credits Prayer, Scripture for Saving Her and 7-Year-Old Son from Rapist’s Rampage

Florida Woman Credits Prayer, Scripture for Saving Her and 7-Year-Old Son from Rapist’s Rampage

TAMPA — A Florida woman is thanking God for saving her life after a rapist on a rampage was thwarted in his attempts to harm her when she began ministering to him through prayer and the Scriptures. Charles “Chris” Bates had just raped four women on Thursday night when he ran into the bold Christian […]

Southern Baptist Convention Bars Military Chaplains From Officiating Same-Sex ‘Weddings’

Southern Baptist Convention Bars Military Chaplains From Officiating Same-Sex ‘Weddings’

The Southern Baptist Convention has announced its decision to bar military chaplains who identify as Southern Baptists from officiating over same-sex ‘wedding’ ceremonies and participating in other events promoting homosexuality. The North American Mission Board (NAMB), an arm of the organization and commission center for chaplains, recently released guidelines outlining its expectations in light of the […]

Hindu, Muslim, Jewish Groups Join Fight Against Texas Cheerleaders’ Bible Banners

Hindu, Muslim, Jewish Groups Join Fight Against Texas Cheerleaders’ Bible Banners

KOUNTZE, Tx. – Four months after a district judge ruled that cheerleaders could legally display Bible verse banners at school football games, several religious organizations have joined a court brief challenging the decision. As previously reported, public school cheerleaders in the tiny east Texas community of Kountze are fighting for the right to display banners […]

Reports: U.S. Abortion Facilities Closing at Record Rate

Reports: U.S. Abortion Facilities Closing at Record Rate

New reports on the status of the abortion industry indicate that abortion facilities in the United States have been closing at a record rate since 2011. Bloomberg notes that since 2011, 58 abortion facilities–nearly 1 in 10–have either shut down or stopped offering surgical abortions. Some pro-life groups contend, however, that the figures are much higher as […]

‘We Are Not Going to Relent:’ Alabama County Chairman Refuses to Bow to Atheist Demands

‘We Are Not Going to Relent:’ Alabama County Chairman Refuses to Bow to Atheist Demands

HUNTSVILLE — The chairman of the Madison County Commission in Alabama is refusing to comply with atheist demands that he cease allowing Christian prayers at county meetings, and that he remove a Biblical citation from the county commission website. Chairman Dale Strong says he will continue the invocations at the monthly meetings despite the likelihood that he will be […]

‘We Like Them Young:’ Video of University Students’ Chant About Sex With Minors Incites Outrage

‘We Like Them Young:’ Video of University Students’ Chant About Sex With Minors Incites Outrage

HALIFAX — A online video capturing Canadian university students happily chanting about male classmates engaging in sexual activity with minors has incited outrage from viewers worldwide. The chant, which has reportedly been used for the past five years at Saint Mary’s University (SMU) in Halifax, Nova Scotia, recently surfaced on YouTube and other outlets, where it has produced both shock and […]

Former Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Joins Fight Against Attempts to Redefine Marriage

Former Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Joins Fight Against Attempts to Redefine Marriage

HARRISBURG — A former Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice has joined a legal team that is fighting efforts to redefine the institution of marriage in the Commonwealth. As previously reported, the lawsuit Whitewood v. Corbett was filed by the ACLU in July in an attempt to strike down Pennsylvania’s longstanding same-sex “marriage” ban. The lawsuit consists of over 20 […]