National Organization for Marriage Under Investigation After Homosexual Activist Files Complaint

National Organization for Marriage Under Investigation After Homosexual Activist Files Complaint

The Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board voted unanimously last week to investigate the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) for not disclosing the names of donors surrounding its efforts to oust state Supreme Court justices. The matter surrounds campaigns conducted during the 2010 election, where the organization worked successfully to unseat three justices, including the […]

U.S. Senators McCain, Graham Meet With Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

U.S. Senators McCain, Graham Meet With Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

CAIRO — United States Senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina met with members of the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo this past week in an effort to help move the country forward following the ousting of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. “We’re here to help find an Egyptian solution to an Egyptian […]

Alabama Prayer Caravan Event Draws Record Crowds Despite Opposition From Atheists

Alabama Prayer Caravan Event Draws Record Crowds Despite Opposition From Atheists

CULLMAN, Ala. — Several hundred to a thousand Cullman, Alabama-area residents turned out on Saturday to participate in a prayer event that has been under fire from a nationally-recognized atheist group over assertions that the gathering would violate the United States Constitution. As previously reported, the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) had sent a […]

Obama to Jay Leno: Russian Laws Against Homosexuality ‘Violating Basic Morality’

Obama to Jay Leno: Russian Laws Against Homosexuality ‘Violating Basic Morality’

During his recent appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Barack Obama said that Russia and other countries like it are ‘violating basic morality’ by passing laws in opposition to the homosexual lifestyle. After Obama was asked about his reaction to Russia granting asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden, Leno then delved into the […]

Oklahoma City Under Fire for Proposal to Use Church Property to Establish Senior Wellness Center

Oklahoma City Under Fire for Proposal to Use Church Property to Establish Senior Wellness Center

OKLAHOMA CITY — Officials in Oklahoma City have come under fire surrounding their plan to purchase or lease church property to establish a new state-of-the-art senior wellness center. The effort is part of a Metropolitan Area Projects (MAPS) 3 initiative, and will encourage seniors in the city to take proper care of their health, as well […]

Judge Orders Alabama Abortion Facility Closed for Operating Without License

Judge Orders Alabama Abortion Facility Closed for Operating Without License

BIRMINGHAM — A circuit judge in Alabama has ordered an abortion facility in the state to close for operating without a license. New Woman, All Women had their license revoked last year after health officials investigated the location over a number of concerns, including overdose incidents which sent two women to the hospital. According to […]

Federal Judge Rules City Can’t Thwart Mobile Ultrasound’s Efforts to ‘Save Lives of Unborn Children’

Federal Judge Rules City Can’t Thwart Mobile Ultrasound’s Efforts to ‘Save Lives of Unborn Children’

CHICAGO — A federal judge in Chicago has ruled that officials in Elgin City, Illinois can’t use a local zoning ordinance to thwart the efforts of a free mobile ultrasound unit to “save the lives of unborn children.” In March of this year, TLC Pregnancy Services, run by The Life Center, Inc., filed a lawsuit […]

Court Grants, Then Reverses Liberty University Stay Against Obamacare Abortion Pill Mandate

Court Grants, Then Reverses Liberty University Stay Against Obamacare Abortion Pill Mandate

RICHMOND — The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a stay of the contraceptive coverage requirement in Obamacare to Liberty University on Wednesday, only to reverse itself later that evening. The Virginia-based university had sued the Obama administration last year, seeking to strike down the whole of Obamacare by asserting that Congress has no authority […]

Marines Corps Threatened With Lawsuit for Citing ‘Lack or Loss of Spiritual Faith’ as Suicide Risk

Marines Corps Threatened With Lawsuit for Citing ‘Lack or Loss of Spiritual Faith’ as Suicide Risk

The United States Marines Corps may soon be leveled with a lawsuit over language in one of its training documents, which cites “lack or loss of spiritual faith” as being a risk factor for suicide among soldiers. According to reports, an anonymous soldier reported the clause found in a Marines Corps’ Force Preservation Program document to […]

Survivor of Botched Abortion Excels at High School Wrestling Despite Handicaps

Survivor of Botched Abortion Excels at High School Wrestling Despite Handicaps

WOODBURN, Ind. – Despite being maimed from birth due to a botched abortion attempt, a young man from northeastern Indiana is currently excelling at high school wrestling matches. Nik Hoot will be a junior this year at Woodlan Junior/High School, located in the tiny town of Woodburn, Indiana. Since junior high, Nik has participated in […]