Former Obama Adviser to Head U.S. State Department’s Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives

Former Obama Adviser to Head U.S. State Department’s Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives

WASHINGTON — Secretary of State John Kerry announced on Wednesday the formation of a new Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives in the U.S. State Department, as well as his first appointee as overseer. “I’m very proud today to announce the creation of the Office of Faith-based Community Initiatives here at the State Department. Its mission […]

Government Accountability Office to Investigate Planned Parenthood’s Use of Taxpayer Funding

Government Accountability Office to Investigate Planned Parenthood’s Use of Taxpayer Funding

WASHINGTON — Members of Congress announced on Monday that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has agreed to investigate the abortion provider Planned Parenthood and other organizations of a similar nature to analyze their use of taxpayer funds as allocated by the federal government. Representatives Pete Olson of Texas, Diane Black of Tennessee, Chris Smith of […]

Federal Judges Using Supreme Court’s DOMA Ruling to Halt State Statutes Protecting Marriage

Federal Judges Using Supreme Court’s DOMA Ruling to Halt State Statutes Protecting Marriage

In what some are describing as a ‘reverberation’ throughout America, several federal judges across the nation are citing the Supreme Court decision that struck down a key component of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as their basis to halt state statutes pertaining to marriage protections. As previously reported, last month, a federal judge in […]

Chaplain’s Assistant Threatened With Punishment for Posting Facebook Status Decrying Homosexuality

Chaplain’s Assistant Threatened With Punishment for Posting Facebook Status Decrying Homosexuality

An Army chaplain’s assistant says that she is being threatened with punishment if she does not remove a status from her personal Facebook page decrying homosexuality. The anonymous 26-year-old told conservative commentator Todd Starnes that she posted the status on Sunday after she watched a documentary about a pastor that endorsed the homosexual lifestyle. “A […]

Mother Barred From Praying on Steps of New Hampshire School May Fight District With Lawsuit

Mother Barred From Praying on Steps of New Hampshire School May Fight District With Lawsuit

CONCORD — A mother in New Hampshire that was barred from praying outside of the high school that her children attend may file a lawsuit against the school district in an effort to gain her right to continue to the practice. As previously reported, Lizarda Urena has been praying on the steps of the Concord […]

Former Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank Comes Out as a ‘Pot-Smoking Atheist’

Former Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank Comes Out as a ‘Pot-Smoking Atheist’

Former Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts made an admission on Friday during his appearance on a liberal HBO talk show that he was a “pot smoking atheist.” Frank appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher, during which Maher asked if he felt “liberated” now that he no longer serves in office. “You were in a […]

Atheists Level New Accusations Against Alabama School District Where ‘Prayer Caravan’ Scheduled

Atheists Level New Accusations Against Alabama School District Where ‘Prayer Caravan’ Scheduled

CULLMAN, Ala. — A nationally-recognized atheist activist organization has leveled new accusations against an Alabama School District that has been in the headlines over a prayer event scheduled for this week. As previously reported, the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) had sent a letter to to Cullman County School District Superintendent Billy Coleman last month, urging […]

New Orleans City Council Officially Lifts Ban on Preaching After Sundown

New Orleans City Council Officially Lifts Ban on Preaching After Sundown

NEW ORLEANS — The New Orleans City Council voted last week to repeal a controversial ban against street preaching and evangelism on Bourbon Street. New Orleans, which is notorious for its sexually explicit displays during its annual Mardi Gras and Southern Decadence celebrations, enacted the “Aggressive Solicitation” ordinance in 2011, which banned all evangelistic activity and free speech from sunset to […]

Presbyterian ‘Church’ USA Rejects Popular Worship Song for Hymnal Over Lyrics Citing ‘Wrath of God’

Presbyterian ‘Church’ USA Rejects Popular Worship Song for Hymnal Over Lyrics Citing ‘Wrath of God’

One of the most popular worship songs being sung in churches around the world today has been rejected for the hymnal of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) due to the song’s lyrics that speak of the wrath of God being assuaged through Christ’s death on the cross. The hymn at issue is In Christ Alone, […]