Undercover Video Captures Abortion Facility Explaining Killing Newborn Baby in Jar of Solution

Undercover Video Captures Abortion Facility Explaining Killing Newborn Baby in Jar of Solution

Bronx, New York — A new undercover video released by a prominent pro-life organization shows an abortion worker explaining how a baby that is born alive after a failed abortion procedure would be placed into a jar of solution to be killed. Live Action, which has conducted undercover investigations on the abortion industry for nearly […]

Wealthy GOP Donor Group Launches Lobbying Effort to Push Republicans to Support Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Wealthy GOP Donor Group Launches Lobbying Effort to Push Republicans to Support Homosexual ‘Marriage’

A GOP group that was formed last year to help finance Republicans who support the homosexual lifestyle has now upped the ante with a new lobbying effort to convince Republican legislators to vote in favor of same-sex marriage. American Unity PAC is an organization launched by billionaire Paul Singer, and is comprised of other top […]

Pentagon Unblocks Southern Baptist Website Following ‘Hostile Content’ Scare

Washington, D.C. — The Pentagon has unblocked the website of the Southern Baptist Convention for military access following a situation that raised concern among some soldiers who could not gain entry to the site. According to reports, hundreds of military personnel noted last week that they were blocked from visiting the website, which was labeled […]

Sixth Grader Barred From Sharing Pro-Life Literature With Classmates Sues School

Sixth Grader Barred From Sharing Pro-Life Literature With Classmates Sues School

St. Paul, Minnesota — A sixth grade student in Minnesota that was barred from sharing pro-life literature with her classmates earlier this year has filed a federal lawsuit against her school with the help of her father and a prominent Christian legal organization. In February of this year, Annie Zinos distributed fliers regarding the issue […]

Jewish Lawmakers ‘Insulted’ By Prayers in Jesus Name During Florida House Sessions

Jewish Lawmakers ‘Insulted’ By Prayers in Jesus Name During Florida House Sessions

A Jewish lawmaker in Florida approached the Speaker of the House this week on behalf of other Jewish legislators who state that they are offended and insulted by the practice of praying in the name of Jesus during House sessions. Jim Waldman of Coconut Creek contacted Speaker Will Weatherford to explain why what he called […]

Obama Bashes Pro-Life Americans, Praises Planned Parenthood During Speech: ‘God Bless You’

Obama Bashes Pro-Life Americans, Praises Planned Parenthood During Speech: ‘God Bless You’

Washington, D.C. — Barack Obama came out swinging against pro-life Americans in a speech Friday morning to approximately 1,000 Planned Parenthood supporters, while defending the abortion giant with fervor. “The fact is, after decades of progress, there’s still those who want to turn back the clock to policies more suited to the 1950s than the […]

U.S. Congresswoman Rebukes Americans for Lack of Outrage Over Abortion: ‘May God Forgive Us’

U.S. Congresswoman Rebukes Americans for Lack of Outrage Over Abortion: ‘May God Forgive Us’

Washington, D.C. — A United States Congresswoman rebuked Barack Obama, state government officials and the American public at large on Wednesday for their lack of outrage over the ongoing practice of abortion, especially in light of the trial of “House of Horrors” abortionist Kermit Gosnell. “My heart breaks that our country has reached a point […]

American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran Praying for U.S. Following Boston Bombing

American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran Praying for U.S. Following Boston Bombing

An American pastor that is imprisoned in Iran on charges stemming from his work in planting house churches in the country recently told family members that he is praying for those affected by the recent bombing at the Boston Marathon. Pastor Saeed Abedini stated that he heard about the incident on the radio while incarcerated, […]

Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselor Sues City for Barring ‘Free Ultrasound’ Sign Outside Planned Parenthood

Ann Arbor, Michigan — A pro-life sidewalk counselor has filed a lawsuit against a city in Michigan and its police chief for prohibiting him from displaying a “free ultrasound” sign in his car outside of his local Planned Parenthood. Paul Dobrowolski was ticketed last year for displaying the sign and others inside of his vehicle […]