University of Missouri Recognizes Pagan, Wiccan Holidays

University of Missouri Recognizes Pagan, Wiccan Holidays

Columbia, Missouri — Students at the University of Missouri that identify as Wiccan or Pagan have garnered recognition of their religious holidays due to the release of a new handbook for staff. The university’s Guide to Religions: Major Holidays and Suggested Accommodations was compiled to assist faculty in understanding the various religions that may be […]

Eighth Grader Barred From Asking God to Bless Classmates at Graduation Files Appeal

Eighth Grader Barred From Asking God to Bless Classmates at Graduation Files Appeal

Craryville, New York — Attorneys representing an eighth grade student who was barred from asking God to bless her classmates during middle school graduation have filed an appeal in federal court. The student, who is only being identified as A.M. since she is a minor, served as co-president of her eighth grade class at Taconic […]

Congress Calls Upon Secretary of State to Seek Release of U.S. Pastor Imprisoned in Iran

Congress Calls Upon Secretary of State to Seek Release of U.S. Pastor Imprisoned in Iran

Washington, D.C. — Dozens of members of Congress have signed a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, requesting that he become directly involved in seeking the release of an American pastor imprisoned in Iran. As previously reported, 32-year-old Saeed Abedini of Idaho was taken into custody last September while visiting his homeland of Iran […]

Chinese Preacher Sues Police After Being Arrested For ‘Harming Social Order’ With Hymn-Singing

Chinese Preacher Sues Police After Being Arrested For ‘Harming Social Order’ With Hymn-Singing

A Chinese preacher who was recently arrested for preaching and singing hymns in a public park without prior government authorization has filed a lawsuit against the police. Cao Nan, 39, regularly conducts charity work in the city of Shenzhen, and also shares the Gospel on the streets. Last December, while preaching and singing hymns with […]

Wife of Baptist Missionary to Lithuania Found Dead in Illinois

Peoria — Details were slow to emerge in the homicide of a Baptist missionary and mother of three found dead in her Far North Peoria home, leaving neighbors wondering what actually happened in the usually quiet neighborhood. Denise Leuthold, 39, was found dead at 700 W. Mossville Road on Thursday afternoon after police arrived to […]

Massachusetts Education Policy Mandates Allowing Boys in Girls’ Restrooms

Massachusetts Education Policy Mandates Allowing Boys in Girls’ Restrooms

Malden, Massachusetts — The Massachusetts Commissioner of Education has released an outline of its new school policy regarding gender equality, mandating that boys be allowed to use girls restrooms and locker rooms — and vice versa — if they contend that they prefer to identify with the opposite gender. The 11-page document, written by Mitchell […]

Evangelist Sues Maryland Police for Being Charged With Trespassing on Public Sidewalk

Evangelist Sues Maryland Police for Being Charged With Trespassing on Public Sidewalk

Montgomery County, Maryland — A Washington D.C.-area evangelist has filed a lawsuit against a Maryland county and its police department after being cited with criminal trespass for engaging in free speech activity on what he asserts is a public sidewalk. Attorneys representing Michael Corral explain that the evangelist was reading the Bible aloud, distributing tracts […]

Atheist Scared Away By Ten Commandments Monument Loses Lawsuit

Atheist Scared Away By Ten Commandments Monument Loses Lawsuit

Cross City, Florida — A Ten Commandments monument will remain atop the steps of a Florida courthouse after a district court dismissed a case filed on behalf of an atheist. As previously reported, the American Civil Liberties Union first sued officials in Dixie County, Florida in 2007 for displaying a privately-owned, Christian-themed monument on the county […]

Lutheran Synod Apologizes After Reprimanding Minister Who Participated in Newtown Interfaith Service

Lutheran Synod Apologizes After Reprimanding Minister Who Participated in Newtown Interfaith Service

St. Louis, Missouri — The president of a Lutheran synod that had reprimanded a Connecticut minister for participating in an interfaith prayer vigil in memory of those who lost their lives during the Newtown massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School has issued an apology of his own. As previously reported, Pastor Rob Morris of Christ the King […]