The animated children’s show “Clifford the Big Red Dog,” based on the writings of author and cartoonist Norman Bridwell, has been rebooted after 17 years, and the new season introduces a girl named Samantha who has two mothers. According to reports, in the episode “The Big Red Tomato/Dogbot,” main character Emily Elizabeth and her mother […]
The new Disney-Pixar animated film “Onward,” which has main themes centering on wizardry and a magic “visitation spell” to temporarily conjure a father up from the dead, also features a line where a cyclops police officer — voiced by a homosexual screenwriter — subtly reveals to viewers that she is a lesbian. “Onward” tells the […]
The upcoming film “The Eternals”, based on the fictional characters depicted in Marvel Comics books, will include a homosexual superhero and his “spouse,” who will kiss on screen, the actor who plays his partner has revealed. “I just shot a Marvel film with the first openly gay superhero: ‘The Eternals.’ I’m married to the gay […]
(New York Daily News) — The headquarters of a Brazilian comedy group behind a Netflix Christmas special that depicts a gay Jesus was attacked by vandals early on Christmas Eve, according to a statement released by the group. “The First Temptation of Christ” is a satirical enactment of a surprise birthday party for Jesus, which […]
The final installment of the Skywalker saga, “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker,” which opens in theaters tomorrow, includes a scene where two women kiss in the midst of a celebration — a subtle means of inserting the sin of homosexuality into the ninth episode of the popular series. “[I]n the case of the LGBTQ […]
More than two million people worldwide have signed petitions asking the entertainment provider Netflix to pull a blasphemous film called “The First Temptation of Christ,” which depicts Jesus as a homosexual, his disciples as drunks and his mother as having sexual relations with God, the Father. The Portugese production is directed by Rodrigo Van Der Put, […]
The Disney Channel’s final season of its popular show for tweens, “Andi Mack,” depicts two boys realizing their feelings for each other and holding hands. Cyrus Goodman, played by Joshua Rush, had announced in an episode earlier this year, “I’m gay.” In 2017, the show’s creators also depicted Cyrus as revealing to his friend Buffy, played […]
The quiet and fleeting depiction of lesbian mothers in an opening scene of “Toy Story 4” is being praised by homosexual advocates as a “small moment of normalization.” However, the cursory inclusion has also raised concern among some family groups who opine that it is a “subtle [way] to desensitize children” to homosexuality. According to […]