The retail giant Target has released a new promotional advertisement that features two lesbian women who are preparing a room for the arrival of a child.
“Baby Digs: The Magic of Space” was posted to YouTube on October 1st, and has already obtained over 22,000 views—as well as a lot of controversy.
“I’m Amanda, and I’m Cat,” the ad begins. “And we’re having a baby!”
“We don’t know what the gender is yet, but we are really excited to find out,” Cat states.
“I hope that baby has Cat’s talent, and I hope it has [Amanda’s] quick wit,” the women remark to each other.
“Amanda’s a writer; I’m a comic book illustrator . . . I think that we hope that we can share our love for science . . . Yeah, we’d love to pass that on to our kids,” the commercial continues.
“We want our child to know that anything is possible, and that there’s also nothing wrong with and everything right with pursuing knowledge and learning about the world,” Amanda says.
Cat then kisses Amanda’s head, and the screen reads “future space wanderer, due Jan. 21.”
The advertisement has generated mixed reaction online.
“This commercial has given me such joy in being reminded that there are other people like us, other people that are having families, and that are being recognized as such,” wrote one lesbian woman from Utah.
“No, you two are not having a baby. One of you is having a baby . . . and then will be raising that baby in a broken home where no father is present,” another stated. “Why do you put yourselves above the needs of your child? And why does Target support putting adults’ desires above children in our society?”
“No, ‘we’ are not having a baby!” another echoed. “God designed conception of children to only be between one man and one woman.”
“This baby has a father, as well as a mother. He’s just out of the picture,” one commenter noted.
While the advertisement is not Target’s first promotion of homosexuality, it is among a myriad of corporations that have sought to include homosexuality in their marketing or have announced their support for same-sex “marriage.”
As previously reported, DirecTV and CVS both recently came out with commercials featuring homosexuals, and in San Francisco, Burger King advertised its “proud Whopper” earlier this year, while Nabisco promoted its Honey Maid grahams and Teddy Grahams in a commercial that featured a homosexual couple.
In 2012, cereal giant General Mills came out in support of same-sex “marriage,” and dessert mix company Betty Crocker did the same a year later, donating cakes to three homosexual twosomes for their “wedding.” JC Penney published Mother’s Day and Father’s Day print ads depicting homosexual couples in 2012, and in 2009, the Campbell’s Soup Company placed a two-page ad featuring two lesbians in the homosexual publication The Advocate.
Starbucks defended its support for same-sex “marriage” last year despite boycotts against the company, and the restaurant chain Chipotle was featured two homosexual pride parades.
Home Depot, Target, Walgreens, Microsoft and Levi’s, among others, have also met resistance from Christian organizations for their support of the homosexual lifestyle.
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