While it may be nearly unheard of by most, over 4,000 major corporations and counting in America utilize the services of a corporate chaplain. A corporate chaplain is a trained minister who avails himself to speak to employees about personal matters and offers them guidance. According to reports, General Motors, Ford, Coca-Cola and Tyson Foods […]
Continue reading …The soft drink giant PepsiCo. says that it will no longer be using fetal cells to develop flavor enhancers. The company recently responded to a petition from a pro-life group, explaining that the Pepsi has had internal discussions about the “highly controversial” matter, and has decided that it will not use HEK-293 (human embyonic kidney […]
Continue reading …In January of this year, the Pennsylvania legislature unanimously passed a resolution dubbing 2012 as “The Year of the Bible.” The resolution stated that not only has the Bible been an important part of America’s history, but that in difficult times such as the present, there is a “national need to study and apply the […]
Continue reading …Open Doors USA is challenging Christians to pray for the persecuted Church throughout the year via its World Watch List. The ministry lists 50 countries on its website that are most notorious for persecuting Christians and urges believers to pray for a country each week — even for just 5 minutes. By signing up on […]
Continue reading …The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has struck down a Texas law that would ban state funds from going to Planned Parenthood. The three-judge panel ruled on Friday that prohibiting the abortion provider from participating in state Medicaid programs would not be constitutional. On Monday, April 30th, District Judge Lee Yeakel issued an injunction against […]
Continue reading …A 19-year old Canadian high school student was recently suspended for wearing a t-shirt that read “Life is Wasted Without Jesus.” According to reports, the school stated that it had warned William Swinimer not to wear the t-shirt on numerous occasions. The superintendent opined that the shirt was problematic because it was directed at the […]
Continue reading …The non-for-profit ministry Convoy of Hope is working to reduce poverty levels across America, which, according to reports, have hit their highest rates in over 50 years. The organization is currently embarking on a 50-state “Compassion Outreach Tour” to help provide much-needed services free of charge to the poor in communities across the nation. Not […]
Continue reading …Legal expert Richard Hammar is working to help churches prevent childhood sexual abuse through a kit called “Reducing the Risk.” Hammar states that most churches are not equipped to properly protect children from predators and that training is much needed. It is estimated that 12 percent of all lawsuits against churches pertain to sexual abuse, […]
Continue reading …NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. — For 39 years, the Trinity Broadcasting Network has urged viewers to give generously and reap the Lord’s bounty in return. The prosperity gospel preached by Paul and Janice Crouch, who built a single station into the world’s largest Christian television network, has worked out well for them. Mr. and Mrs. Crouch […]
Continue reading …Georgia Governor Nathan Deal recently signed into law a new bill that criminalizes assisted suicide. HB1114 was presented to Georgia legislature several weeks ago by Rep. Ed Setzler in response to an adverse ruling by the Georgia Supreme Court, which unanimously struck down the state’s old assisted suicide law as being unconstitutional. The Court claimed […]
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