BRISBANE, Australia – An influential Catholic astronomer who works at the Holy See’s Vatican Observatory told a news outlet last week that the literal interpretation of the Genesis creation account is ‘almost blasphemous theology.’ Guy Consolmagno is Coordinator for Public Relations at the Vatican Observatory, which is an astronomical institute operated by the Roman Catholic […]
NEW YORK CITY — The senior pastor of the global Hillsong Church declined to give a concrete answer as to whether or not those who lead his American congregations may officiate at same-sex “weddings” as he was speaking at a recent press conference that included questions about homosexuality, finances and his late father’s alleged sexual abuse […]
ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, N.C. — A North Carolina magistrate has resigned out of his refusal to perform same-sex “marriages” due to his religious beliefs, and a second is also refusing to conduct the ceremonies due to his faith. Judge John Kallam Jr. of Rockingham County submitted his resignation on Thursday, stating that participating in the act was […]
HOUSTON — Houston’s openly lesbian mayor says that she did not know that attorneys for the city had requested copies of sermons from several area pastors in light of a lawsuit that was filed surrounding the city’s rejection of an initiative pertaining to a recently-passed “bathroom bill.” As previously reported, Mayor Annise Parker had promoted […]
CLEMMONS, N.C. — A North Carolina Satanist who changed his name over ten years ago to reflect that of a demon has been arrested after the bodies of two men who went missing in 2009 were discovered buried in his back yard. John Alexander Lawson, 35, who changed his name to Pazazu Illah Algarad in […]
SEATTLE — Controversial Seattle megachurch founder Mark Driscoll has resigned from Mars Hill Church, stating that he does not wish to continue to be a distraction to the ministry although a six-week review of charges lodged by others within the church cleared him of moral wrongdoing. Driscoll submitted a letter to Michael Van Skiak, the […]
HOUSTON — Officials in Houston, Texas are seeking to obtain copies of sermons delivered by several area pastors after a lawsuit was filed by unrelated Christian leaders whose initiative surrounding a recently passed “bathroom bill” was rejected by city officials. As previously reported, Houston Mayor Annise Parker, an open lesbian, had promoted an “Equal Rights Ordinance” earlier […]
A mother and writer has generated much discussion following the publication of an article in which she shares her personal story of how homosexuality and same-sex “marriage” shattered her own marriage and family. “I refuse to be silent,” wrote Janna Darnelle (a pen name used to protect her family’s identity), who states that behind many […]
HOUSTON – A prominent chemist who was recognized this year as one of the 50 most influential scientists in the world says most scientists do not understand how evolution could explain the existence of life. Dr. James Tour is a well-known professor at Rice University, specializing in chemistry, nanoengineering, and computer science. Over the last […]
LINCOLN, Neb. — A school district in Nebraska is facing opposition over its teacher and administrative training, which urges faculty to stop using gender-specific terms such as “boys and girls,” but to rather utilize more inclusive language so as to accommodate transgender students or those who don’t think they fit into any gender. Parent Rachel Terry […]