(New York Daily News) — An 18-year-old Pennsylvania student was arrested Tuesday for threatening to conduct a mass shooting at his high school’s graduation — the latest in a string of student arrests across the country after the massacre in a Florida high school killed 17. Jacob Deneen, a Shade-Central City High School student, confessed […]
TOPEKA, Kan. — The Kansas Republican Party voted over the weekend to approve a resolution on human sexuality that affirms “God’s design for gender.” The proposal had been submitted by Eric Teetsel, who serves as president of the Family Policy Alliance of Kansas and is also a Republican Party State Committee member. Teetsel is the […]
FINDLAY, Ohio — One of the nation’s most conspicuous professing atheist activist organizations has sent a letter to the clerk of the Findlay, Ohio municipal court to claim that a displayed mural referencing Psalm 91 violates the U.S. Constitution. The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) says that it was contacted by a “concerned citizen,” […]
DES MOINES, Iowa — An Iowa Senate panel has advanced a bill that seeks to protect the religious liberty of its residents, while opponents claim that if the proposal becomes law, it could hurt the state economy. According to the Des Moines Register, Senate Study Bill 3171, also known as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act […]
ANDERSON, Ind. — An Indiana woman has been charged with feticide and involuntary manslaughter after she allegedly took methamphetamine and other drugs while pregnant, which authorities state resulted in the child being stillborn. Kelli Leever-Driskel, 34, was officially charged on Wednesday following the December birth, and faces three to twenty years behind bars if convicted. […]
SALINAS, Calif. — A California man who killed a pastor last year by stabbing him in the neck with a drywall saw blade has pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. Servando Silva, 39, entered the plea on Friday after a six-day trial in Monterey County Superior Court, and with the jury still deliberating. He also pleaded guilty to […]
COLUMBIA, S.C. — Lawmakers in South Carolina have re-introduced a bill that would protect the rights of teachers to participate in student-led prayers in public schools. A second bill is also stated to be in the works that would allow teachers to lead prayers as well. A Parent University Forum was held at Savannah Grove Baptist Church […]
COLUMBUS, Ohio — The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio (ACLU), two local branches of Planned Parenthood and several other abortion facilities have filed a lawsuit to challenge a new Ohio law that prohibits mothers from killing their unborn child simply because he or she has been diagnosed with Down syndrome. “Plaintiffs challenge H.B. 214 […]
RICHMOND, Va. — One of the nation’s most conspicuous professing atheist activist organizations has sent a letter to the speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates to request that he stop using the government email system to invite his colleagues to his weekly Bible study in the Pocahontas Building. The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) sent […]
NORWAY — “Barnevernet is stealing our child in Norway because we want to homeschool!” That’s what one mother is heard shouting in a viral video posted to social media. According to the Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), Leif and Terese Kristiansen removed their 12-year-old son Kai from school after he was being bullied and officials did not […]