Department of Education Memo Says Govt May Investigate Refusal to Use Students’ Preferred Pronouns

Department of Education Memo Says Govt May Investigate Refusal to Use Students’ Preferred Pronouns

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Education recently released a memo that, while scaling back the Obama administration’s insistence that schools allow “transgender” students to use the restroom that matches their “internal sense of gender,” also advises that schools may still be investigated for failing to look into hostile situations, such as when there is […]

New York Attorney General Files Federal Lawsuit to Stop Anti-Abortion Proponents

New York Attorney General Files Federal Lawsuit to Stop Anti-Abortion Proponents

NEW YORK — The attorney general of New York has filed a lawsuit against 14 pro-life individuals that he claims have been “harassing” abortion-minded mothers outside of a local abortion facility. “The law guarantees women the right to control their own bodies and access the reproductive health care they need, without obstruction,” Attorney General Eric Schneiderman […]

Oregon Becomes First State to Allow Residents to Be Neither Male or Female on Driver’s License

Oregon Becomes First State to Allow Residents to Be Neither Male or Female on Driver’s License

SALEM, Ore. — Oregon has become the first state to allow residents to identify as neither male or female on their driver’s license and identification card. Beginning on July 1, residents can select an “X” for their gender instead of “M” or “F.” The new policy was unanimously agreed upon by the Oregon Transportation Commission. According […]

Cities Across America Creating Rainbow Crosswalks to Celebrate ‘LGBTQ Pride’

Cities Across America Creating Rainbow Crosswalks to Celebrate ‘LGBTQ Pride’

Several American cities recently approved the creation of rainbow crosswalks to celebrate “LGBTQ pride,” and homosexual advocacy groups are circulating petitions to request that more cities paint their crosswalks with the “diversity” stripes. Houston, Texas, Atlanta, Georgia and Washington, D.C. created rainbow crosswalks to coincide with their June homosexual pride events. In Atlanta, the display will be permanent. “I […]

Atheist Activist Group Takes Issue With Alabama Police Department’s Mix of God With Government

Atheist Activist Group Takes Issue With Alabama Police Department’s Mix of God With Government

WETUMPKA, Ala. — A prominent professing atheist group recently sent a letter to officials with a city in Alabama to assert that its police department’s mixture of God with government is unlawful. The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) wrote to the City of Wetumpka on June 7 after learning that its police department hosts a […]

Court Rules Woman Did Not Suffer ‘Emotional Distress’ From Planet Fitness’ Allowance of Man in Women’s Locker Room

Court Rules Woman Did Not Suffer ‘Emotional Distress’ From Planet Fitness’ Allowance of Man in Women’s Locker Room

MIDLAND, Mich. — The Michigan Court of Appeals has unanimously ruled that a woman did not suffer sexual harassment and emotional distress when her local Planet Fitness allowed a man who identifies as a woman to use the women’s locker room. “Plaintiff’s allegations that defendants’ policy is extreme and outrageous because ‘it would allow men to […]

Judge Finds Michelle Carter Guilty of Manslaughter in Texting Suicide Case

Judge Finds Michelle Carter Guilty of Manslaughter in Texting Suicide Case

(CNN) — In a case that hinged largely on a teenage couple’s intimate text messages, Michelle Carter was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter Friday in the 2014 death of her boyfriend, who poisoned himself by inhaling carbon monoxide in his pickup truck, a Massachusetts judge ruled. Carter’s own words — preserved in hundreds of text […]

Michigan Killer Says He Is ‘By No Means Sorry,’ But Rather ‘It Felt Great’ to Murder

Michigan Killer Says He Is ‘By No Means Sorry,’ But Rather ‘It Felt Great’ to Murder

PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY, Mich. — A convicted killer in Michigan expressed no remorse on Monday as he appeared in court for sentencing, but rather said that it “felt great” to kill someone. “I am by no means sorry about what I did,” Brenton Walker, 55, declared before those gathered at the Presque Isle County Courthouse. […]