Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney reiterated in an interview Thursday that while he disagrees with Obama regarding the issue of homosexual “marriage,” he is in favor of allowing same-sex couples to adopt children. Romney explained to Neil Cavuto of Fox News, “[I]f two people of the same gender want to live together, want to have […]
Obama’s spiritual advisor made public statements today following Obama’s declaration on national television that he now supports same-sex “marriage.” Mega-church pastor Joel Hunter of Orlando, Florida told the press that he received a telephone call from Obama after his interview with ABC News, informing him that he had just gone public with his beliefs on homosexual […]
Following Tuesday’s shocking ruling from the New York Court of Appeals that overturned a number of criminal convictions against a college professor who possessed over 30,000 images of child pornography, many across the state are dealing with feelings of fear and anger. The unanimous decision from the court remarked that viewing child pornography on the […]
Barack Obama announced today that he has reversed his longstanding opinion about same-sex “marriage” and now believes that homosexuals should be allowed to wed. His announcement follows yesterday’s landslide vote in the state of North Carolina, in which 60% of residents voted to add an amendment to the state Constitution, enshrining marriage as being between […]
In January of this year, the Pennsylvania legislature unanimously passed a resolution dubbing 2012 as “The Year of the Bible.” The resolution stated that not only has the Bible been an important part of America’s history, but that in difficult times such as the present, there is a “national need to study and apply the […]
The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has struck down a Texas law that would ban state funds from going to Planned Parenthood. The three-judge panel ruled on Friday that prohibiting the abortion provider from participating in state Medicaid programs would not be constitutional. On Monday, April 30th, District Judge Lee Yeakel issued an injunction against […]
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal recently signed into law a new bill that criminalizes assisted suicide. HB1114 was presented to Georgia legislature several weeks ago by Rep. Ed Setzler in response to an adverse ruling by the Georgia Supreme Court, which unanimously struck down the state’s old assisted suicide law as being unconstitutional. The Court claimed […]
The United Sates Supreme Court may now be deciding whether Oklahoma residents will have a measure on the ballot this fall regarding protecting the unborn as a person. The Oklahoma Supreme Court recently rejected the matter, enfuriating many pro-lifers throughout the state and across America. In a press release issued by Personhood USA, the organization explained that the Oklahoma […]