San Francisco Becomes First City to Mandate Taxpayers to Fund Sex-Change Operations

San Francisco Becomes First City to Mandate Taxpayers to Fund Sex-Change Operations

San Francisco has approved a measure that utilizes taxpayer funds to pay for the sex-change operations of the uninsured, becoming the first city in the nation to do so. The Health Commission okayed the move last week, following long talks between health officials and citizens who expressed their desire to obtain mastectomies and reconstruction of their […]

Russian Court Approves Lawsuit Against Madonna for Promoting Homosexuality to Minors

Russian Court Approves Lawsuit Against Madonna for Promoting Homosexuality to Minors

During a pre-trial hearing this week in St. Petersburg, Russia, a court ruled that a lawsuit filed against American pop singer Madonna for promoting homosexuality to minors could go forward. The court opined that the suit, filed by groups such as Union of Russian Citizens, the People’s Assembly and the New Great Russia, presented “sufficient evidence” […]

Thousands of Georgia Voters Write-In ‘Darwin’ in Race Against Creationist Congressman

Thousands of Georgia Voters Write-In ‘Darwin’ in Race Against Creationist Congressman

Approximately four thousand voters in Georgia wrote in Charles Darwin for Congress on Tuesday as a statement of opposition to current United States Representative Paul Broun, who was running virtually unopposed. According to reports, University of Georgia biologist Jim Leebens-Mack recently began a Facebook campaign urging the write-in following remarks made by Broun, in which […]

CIA Director David Petraeus Quits Over Extramarital Affair

CIA Director David Petraeus Quits Over Extramarital Affair

WASHINGTON — David Petraeus, the retired four-star general renowned for taking charge of the military campaigns in Iraq and then Afghanistan, abruptly resigned Friday as director of the CIA, admitting to an extramarital affair. The affair was discovered during an FBI investigation, according to officials briefed on the developments. They spoke on condition of anonymity […]

Evangelist Blames Religious Leaders’ ‘Godless Government Gospel’ for Obama Presidency

Evangelist Blames Religious Leaders’ ‘Godless Government Gospel’ for Obama Presidency

An evangelist with a nationally-known ministry released a post-election statement today, attributing the presidency of Barack Obama to the “Godless government gospel” being proliferated by a number of prominent evangelical leaders who demand morality in and by the government apart from the moral Lawgiver. Michael Marcavage of the Philadelphia-based ministry Repent America said that he has […]

North Carolina Pastor Faces Arrest Over City Ban on ‘Any Public Address, Lecture or Discourse’

North Carolina Pastor Faces Arrest Over City Ban on ‘Any Public Address, Lecture or Discourse’

A pastor and Coast Guard chief in North Carolina is facing possible citation or arrest over a city ordinance that bans free expression without government permission. Pastor Adam Gray says that he is going to continue to preach on the public streets and sidewalks of Elizabeth City, North Carolina despite the ordinance, which is listed […]

Abortion Workers Chant ‘Obama!’ at Pro-Lifers as Mothers Arrive for ‘Late-Term Abortion Day’

Abortion Workers Chant ‘Obama!’ at Pro-Lifers as Mothers Arrive for ‘Late-Term Abortion Day’

An evangelist who reaches out to abortion-minded mothers in Florida states that abortion workers were emboldened for their cause this morning following the reelection of Barack Obama. John Barros says that he has been ministering to mothers outside of Orlando Women’s Center for nine years. During that time, he has witnessed many women come and […]

Maine, Maryland Make History With Vote to Approve Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Maine, Maryland Make History With Vote to Approve Homosexual ‘Marriage’

On Tuesday night, voters in Maine and Maryland made history in becoming the first two states to approve of homosexual “marriage” by popular vote, which are now the seventh and eight states to approve of such unions. The outcomes broke a 32-state losing streak in which same-sex “marriage” had been rejected by every state that […]