Lawsuit Filed Against Maryland Community College for Rejecting Student Because of Faith

Lawsuit Filed Against Maryland Community College for Rejecting Student Because of Faith

BALTIMORE, Md. — A prominent Christian legal organization has filed a lawsuit on behalf of a Maryland man who states that he was denied admission at a local community college because of his outspoken Christian beliefs. The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) filed the suit on Monday, alleging that officials with the Community […]

UK Childcare Worker Fired After Explaining Biblical Position on Homosexuality to Co-Worker

UK Childcare Worker Fired After Explaining Biblical Position on Homosexuality to Co-Worker

LONDON — A childcare worker has been fired for ‘gross misconduct’ after she explained the biblical position on homosexuality to her co-worker. According to reports, Sarah Mbuyi, 30, was repeatedly asked about her beliefs over a period of several months at Newpark Childcare in Highbury after her lesbian co-worker discovered that she is a Christian. […]

Christians Arrested on Canadian Campus for Distributing Literature Against Homosexual Behavior

Christians Arrested on Canadian Campus for Distributing Literature Against Homosexual Behavior

REGINA, Saskatchewan — Two Christians who focus their ministry efforts on the defense of the biblical family were arrested on a Canadian university campus on Monday after officials asked them to leave when they disagreed with the content of the literature that they sought to distribute. Peter LaBarbera, the director of the U.S.-based Christian ministry Americans […]

Bhutan Pastors Jailed Without Charges

Bhutan Pastors Jailed Without Charges

THIMPHU, Bhutan (Morning Star News) – Two pastors in southern Bhutan have spent more than a month in jail without being formally charged. Police arrested M.B. Thapa (aka Lobzang) and Tandin Wangyal in Khapdani village in Samtse District on March 5. Minister of Home and Cultural Affairs Damcho Dorji said at a recent press conference that […]

Canadian Border Agency Overturns Decision to Bar Biblical Marriage Speaker from Country

Canadian Border Agency Overturns Decision to Bar Biblical Marriage Speaker from Country

REGINA — The Canadian Border Services Agency has overturned a decision to deny a Christian speaker entry into the country because of his biblically-based work in opposition of homosexual behavior. As previously reported, Peter LaBarbera, the director of the U.S.-based Christian ministry Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, spent hours responding to questions from authorities with […]

Christian Speaker Detained at Canadian Border Over Opposition to Homosexuality

Christian Speaker Detained at Canadian Border Over Opposition to Homosexuality

American citizen and Christian speaker Peter LaBarbera was detained at the Canadian border and denied entry to the country as a result of his work opposing homosexuality, according to reports. LaBarbera, who is director of the United States-based group Americans for Truth about Homosexuality and was scheduled to speak at the Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association this weekend, stated that […]

Chinese Church Faces Forced Demolition for Refusing to Remove Cross

Chinese Church Faces Forced Demolition for Refusing to Remove Cross

Wenzhou, Zhejiang — A Three-Self Patriotic Movement church in China’s coastal Zhejiang province is facing demolition after refusing to remove the cross that tops the building. “When the Party Secretary Xia Baolong visited the local areas, he found the cross on top of the church very conspicuous. So he ordered that it be demolished. Then, […]

Gunmen Kill Three in Terrorist Attack on Kenyan Church

Gunmen Kill Three in Terrorist Attack on Kenyan Church

MOMBASA, Kenya (Reuters) – Two gunmen stormed a packed church near the Kenyan coastal city of Mombasa on Sunday and opened fire on worshippers, killing three people and wounding others, in what police called a terrorist attack. One witness said the gunmen shouted out in a foreign language before shooting indiscriminately at the congregation. Blood-spattered […]

Chinese Government Threatens to Shut Down Christian Care Center

Chinese Government Threatens to Shut Down Christian Care Center

Authorities threatened to shut down a house church-run care center for the homeless, disabled, orphaned and elderly on March 19 in the southern province of Guangdong, claiming the center was housed in a building that was not legally registered. The Huizhou Loving Care Center, a branch of the original Christian care center in Shenzhen, Guangdong, […]

Five Suspects in Slaying of Turkish Christians Out of Jail

Five Suspects in Slaying of Turkish Christians Out of Jail

Five Turkish Muslims who allegedly admitted slaughtering three Christians during a Bible study in Turkey more than seven years ago have been released from jail pending their trials because of a new national law that forbids extended pretrial detention. According to court testimony, the suspects allegedly went to the Zirve Publishing House in Malayta, Turkey, […]