Civil Trial Begins for UNC Professor Allegedly Denied Promotion Over Outspoken Christian Views

Civil Trial Begins for UNC Professor Allegedly Denied Promotion Over Outspoken Christian Views

GREENVILLE, N.C. — A civil trial began this week for a University of North Carolina professor who was allegedly denied a promotion because of disagreement with his outspoken Christian views. Mike Adams works as a professor of criminology in the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington. Adams, a former […]

Iranian Officials Call Denial of Medical Care, Shackling of Imprisoned American Pastor a ‘Mistake’

Iranian Officials Call Denial of Medical Care, Shackling of Imprisoned American Pastor a ‘Mistake’

Officials in Iran have reversed course and are calling the shackling of an American pastor imprisoned in the country, as well as the denial of medical treatment, a “mistake.” As previously reported, Pastor Saeed Abedini, an Iranian-born American, was set to receive treatment last week for injuries resulting from his numerous beatings while incarcerated. He began […]

Christian Missionary Arrested in North Korea Over Gospel Literature

Christian Missionary Arrested in North Korea Over Gospel Literature

An Australian Christian missionary was arrested this past Sunday by North Korean authorities for distributing Gospel literature. John Short, 75, who has lived in Hong Kong for 50 years, was arrested in his Pyongyang hotel, a day after arriving in the North Korean capital. “[John] was carrying Korean literature on his person and that could be the reason, but I don’t […]

Congressional Hearing: Christians Worldwide Being Targeted for Their Faith

Congressional Hearing: Christians Worldwide Being Targeted for Their Faith

WASHINGTON — Christians are the most persecuted group in the world, but most in the West don’t identify with the persecuted Church, a Congressional hearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee contended this week. Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ) opened the hearing by outlining various reports of Christian persecution in Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Nigeria. He […]

North Korea Again Rescinds Invitation to U.S. Ambassador Seeking Release of American Missionary

North Korea Again Rescinds Invitation to U.S. Ambassador Seeking Release of American Missionary

WASHINGTON — The U.S. State Department is announcing its disappointment after North Korean officials again rescinded an invitation to discuss the release of an American missionary sentenced to fifteen years hard labor in the country. “We are deeply disappointed by the DPRK [North Korean] decision–for a second time–to rescind its invitation for ambassador [Robert] King […]

Obama Calls for Release of American Pastor, U.S. Missionary During National Prayer Breakfast

Obama Calls for Release of American Pastor, U.S. Missionary During National Prayer Breakfast

WASHINGTON — Barack Obama called for the release of an American pastor imprisoned in Iran and a U.S. missionary serving hard labor in North Korea during the annual National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday. Obama centered on religious freedom during his speech, seeking tolerance for all religions around the world. “History shows that nations that uphold […]

‘Glimmer of Hope’ for Clemency Arises for American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran

‘Glimmer of Hope’ for Clemency Arises for American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran

There may be a ‘glimmer of hope’ for the release of an American pastor imprisoned in Iran, according to a Christian legal organization that has been fighting on behalf of the Christian minister. The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) notes that Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was recently asked about the plight of […]