One of the most popular worship songs being sung in churches around the world today has been rejected for the hymnal of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) due to the song’s lyrics that speak of the wrath of God being assuaged through Christ’s death on the cross. The hymn at issue is In Christ Alone, […]
Rhode Island and Minnesota became the 12th and 13th states to begin performing same-sex marriage ceremonies in the nation on Thursday. A number of homosexuals in Minnesota lined up Wednesday night to be among the first to obtain licenses as ceremonies began when the clock struck midnight on Thursday. Minneapolis City Hall, the Mall of […]
ROME — In a tradition that is customarily carried out by the Vatican’s interfaith dialogue department, Pope Francis issued a written greeting to Muslims on Friday in recognition of the close of the Islamic holiday Ramadan. “It gives me great pleasure to greet you as you celebrate ‘Id al-Fitr’, so concluding the month of Ramadan, dedicated […]
THE WOODLANDS — A small group of atheists protested a homeschooling convention as promised earlier this year, largely due to the presence of a prominent Creation speaker who was scheduled to attend the event. As previously reported, in May, a group of atheists known as “The Nones” discussed their views about homeschooling in a Google+ […]
The states of Texas and Indiana have co-authored an amicus brief joined by 21 other states in an effort to demonstrate support for a case before the U.S. Supreme Court surrounding town hall prayers that are predominantly in Jesus’ name. As previously reported, in May of the this year, the court accepted the case of Town […]
BRITAIN — A wealthy homosexual activist has decided to take legal action in order to force churches in the U.K. to host homosexual “weddings,” citing that he is “still not getting what [he] wants.” Barrie Drewitt, who shot to fame in 1999 when he and another man were named on the birth certificates of children they hold, is vowing to […]
Controversy is erupting over a new best-selling book that makes a number of claims about the life of Jesus Christ, including that He never claimed to be God, that He was a “man of profound contradiction” and that He was killed for His crimes, not as the Savior of the world. Dr. Reza Aslan is […]
LOUISVILLE — Two homosexual men from Kentucky have filed suit in an effort to challenge the state’s current ban on recognizing same-sex marriages performed both out of state and out of the country. Attorneys for Greg Bourke and Michael DeLeon, both 55, filed the legal challenge on Friday in federal court, contending that Kentucky’s statute […]
EVANSVILLE, Ind. — A federal judge appointed by Ronald Reagan has placed a permanent injunction on a plan by a number of Indiana churches to display a collection of artistic crosses in the middle of their city. As previously reported, West Side Christian Church (WSCC) in Evansville recently announced plans for the first annual “Cross the River” […]
VIRGINIA BEACH — On his Sunday broadcast of the 700 Club, Pat Robertson shocked a number of viewers in responding to a question about those who decide to have sex change operations. Robertson’s comments made were during the Q&A segment of the broadcast, as he was fielded the question by co-host Terry Meeuwsen. “I work […]