The Obama campaign swung back at Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney yesterday in response to remarks from the contender that if he were elected, he would not remove the mention of God from American currency. “The president believes as much that God should be taken off a coin as he does that aliens will attack […]
A federal judge in Massachusetts has ordered the state to foot the bill for the sex-change operation of an inmate convicted of murder. Robert Kosilek has been serving a life sentence since the early 1990’s after being convicted of murdering his wife Cheryl. While in incarceration in an all-male prison, Kosilek decided to become a […]
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney sought to woo voters in the state of Virginia yesterday by slamming the Democratic party for removing the mention of God from their platform and claiming that he would never make such an omission, while being careful not to use any language that referenced the god of Mormons. “I will […]
Now that the Democratic and Republican National Conventions are over, some are discussing the contrast of the conventions in regard to the ability to engage in free speech. At the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, demonstrators and others state that they were kept inside of a wire pen, which was classified as the approved […]
The Iranian man who made news headlines around the world for facing the death penalty on charges of apostasy against Islam has been acquitted and released. According to confirmed reports, Youcef Nadarkhani appeared before an Iranian court on Saturday, where the apostasy charges were officially dropped. However, he was found guilty of trying to convert […]
Christians who traveled to the Democratic National Convention to be a voice for unborn children state that they had an interesting encounter yesterday with a well-known actor. As previously reported, throughout the week, Christians from across the country descended upon the Democratic National Convention to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to expose the […]
Thousands broke out into loud cheers last night during Barack Obama’s acceptance speech, with one of the longest standing ovations following his promotion of homosexuality and abortion. As Obama addressed the packed Time Warner Cable arena, he spoke mainly of economical and educational concerns, such as the creation of jobs and the ability for one […]
Vendors at the Democratic National Convention are selling their wares this week in promotion of the re-election of Barack Obama, with a number of items hailing the Democratic contender as the messiah. One poster that is for sale displays the head of Obama, which fades into a graphic of an open Bible with the word […]
Following public outcry, Democrats took a vote today regarding whether or not to restore the mention of God and Jerusalem to the party platform. Much to the confusion of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who presided over the voice vote, delegates were just as strongly opposed to reinstating the mentions as they were in favor of […]
A national research network that primarily serves to assist with church growth efforts recently released a new study on megachurch salaries. Leadership Network, led by Warren Bird, says that it studied salary trends from 209 of what it calls “game changer” megachurches across the United States in order to analyze the annual income of their […]