German Committee Claims Incest Is a ‘Fundamental Right’

German Committee Claims Incest Is a ‘Fundamental Right’

Laws banning incest between brothers and sisters in Germany could be scrapped after a government ethics committee said that they were an unacceptable intrusion into the right to sexual self-determination. “Criminal law is not the appropriate means to preserve a social taboo,” the German Ethics Council said in a statement. “The fundamental right of adult […]

Physicist Stephen Hawking Claims ‘There Is No God,’ Says He Is Atheist

Physicist Stephen Hawking Claims ‘There Is No God,’ Says He Is Atheist

In a recent interview with a Spanish newspaper, British physicist Stephen Hawking claimed that ‘there is no God,’ remarking that he believes that ‘science offers a more convincing explanation’ for why the world exists than biblical Creation. Hawking, who suffers from a motor neuron disease similar to ALS but has far outlived the normal life expectancy, […]

Christians Worldwide Gathering to Pray for American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran

Christians Worldwide Gathering to Pray for American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran

Christians worldwide are gathering today to pray for the release of an American pastor who has been imprisoned in Iran simply because of his Christian faith. From the United States to Mexico and Kenya, over 500 gatherings are scheduled for Friday to lift up Saeed Abedini in prayer, as well as other Christians suffering or imprisoned […]

Obama to United Nations: ‘The U.S. Is Not at War with Islam; Islam Teaches Peace’

Obama to United Nations: ‘The U.S. Is Not at War with Islam; Islam Teaches Peace’

In his address to the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, Barack Obama asserted that the United States is not fighting the religion of Islam in its efforts to stop the insurgency of the group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), because Islam, he said, is peaceful. “[W]e have reaffirmed that the United […]

Israel Shoots Down Syrian Warplane Over Golan

Israel Shoots Down Syrian Warplane Over Golan

The Israeli military has shot down a Syrian aircraft that it said had infiltrated it airspace over the Golan Heights. Tuesday’s incident was the most serious incident to take place on the strategic plateau since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011. Army radio said it was apparently a MiG-21 fighter jet which […]

UK Mother: I Regret Aborting My Baby

UK Mother: I Regret Aborting My Baby

A mother in the UK says she wishes someone had stepped in to stop her from aborting her baby, as she explained the years of heartache that have followed. Lora Bishop spoke out after newspaper columnist Bel Mooney claimed her decision to have an abortion was “no big deal”. Readers have been quick to respond, […]

Nightmare Continues for Family of Freed Prisoner of Conscience in China

Nightmare Continues for Family of Freed Prisoner of Conscience in China

(Morning Star News) – When Chinese authorities released Christian human rights attorney Gao Zhisheng from prison on Aug.7, we didn’t hear anything from him, presumably because of the communist state’s one-year prohibition against him saying anything publicly that might “damage the reputation or interests of the state.” His family had telephone conversations with him, but […]

False Christs Arising Worldwide Claiming to Be Second Coming of Jesus

False Christs Arising Worldwide Claiming to Be Second Coming of Jesus

A number of false Christs have been arising in various nations worldwide, claiming to be the second coming of Jesus. While many are following these self-proclaimed Messiahs, some are speaking out against their cults, being mindful of Christ’s words in Matthew 24:5, “For many shall come in My name, saying, ‘I am Christ,’ and shall […]