Missions Leader: Although 1 Percent is Christian, Spain is ‘Breeding Ground’ for Gospel

Missions Leader: Although 1 Percent is Christian, Spain is ‘Breeding Ground’ for Gospel

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — The president of Assemblies of God Spain recently explained during a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the denomination that although missions work has been difficult in the country, he sees it as a “breeding ground” for the gospel. Pastor Juan Carlos Escobar was among the speakers at the Assemblies of God […]

British Officials Condemn Biblical Creation, Compare It to Radical Islam

British Officials Condemn Biblical Creation, Compare It to Radical Islam

LONDON – In an attempt to crack down on religious ‘extremism,’ Britain’s Education Secretary has announced that any schools that teach creation will be stripped of government funding. Nicky Morgan, Education Secretary of Great Britain, delivered a statement to Parliament late last month, in which she condemned the spread of religious views within British schools. […]

Children Being Groomed to Fight Jihad for Allah, Establish Islamic State: Video

Children Being Groomed to Fight Jihad for Allah, Establish Islamic State: Video

An online documentary released by VICE News shows firsthand footage of children being groomed to fight jihad for Allah in order to build the Islamic State. The video is a segment from a five-part series on “The Battle for Iraq” and features interviews with Islamic fighters and others about their desire to establish a Muslim caliphate in Iraq […]

5-Year-Old Boy Cut in Half by Islamic State Jihadist Group

(WND) – The images of atrocities by members of the Islamic State jihadist group, also known as ISIS, against their soldier and civilian enemies in Iraq and Syria have been have circulating for some time. There have been reports, many documented in images and even videos, of ISIS crucifixions, executions, mass burials and worse. But now […]

Muslims Massacre 100 People in Predominantly Christian Gwoza, Nigeria

Muslims Massacre 100 People in Predominantly Christian Gwoza, Nigeria

JOS, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – After weeks of sacking villages and destroying church buildings around Nigeria’s northeastern town of Gwoza, Islamic extremist group Boko Haram on Wednesday killed an estimated 100 people in the predominantly Christian town, sources said. The shooting, fire-bombing and slashing of men, women and children in Gwoza, Borno state, as initially the […]

Almost 400,000 UK Kids Not Living with Both Parents, Stats Reveal

Almost 400,000 UK Kids Not Living with Both Parents, Stats Reveal

Hundreds of thousands of children are having to split their time between parents in different homes, figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have shown. The ONS said it is “increasingly likely that dependent children will be sharing their time between two different parental addresses” because of an increase in cohabitation and divorce. Analysing […]

Children of American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran Ask Obama to ‘Help Bring Daddy Home’

Children of American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran Ask Obama to ‘Help Bring Daddy Home’

The children of an American pastor imprisoned in Iran have appeared in an online video plea to President Obama, asking that he ‘help bring [their] daddy home.’ As previously reported, Saeed Abedini, a former Muslim turned Christian, left Iran in 2005 and moved to the United States with his wife and children to find religious […]

Indians Revere Ancient Peepal Tree as god

UDHAGAMANDALAM (TN) — A 900-year-old tree is still being revered and worshiped as “God” by the Kota tribe in Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu. The tribe, with a population of some 3,000 people, including 1700 women, in seven villages, perform prayers in front of the 250-foot tall tree on auspicious occasions such as marriage, construction of […]

Discovery of Fossilized Brain Matter Floors Scientists, Challenges Evolution

Discovery of Fossilized Brain Matter Floors Scientists, Challenges Evolution

STOKKE, Norway – Archaeologists working in Norway were recently stunned when they discovered what appears to be remains of a fossilized brain—a find that could prove to be a significant challenge to the evolutionary timescale. A team of about a dozen scientists affiliated with the University of Oslo in Norway has been digging for the […]

Chicago Imam Urges Muslims to Wage Jihad Against Israel ‘for the Sake of Allah’: Video

Chicago Imam Urges Muslims to Wage Jihad Against Israel ‘for the Sake of Allah’: Video

CHICAGO — Recently released video footage of a sermon delivered at the Chicago Islamic Center shows a local imam passionately urging Muslims to wage jihad against the nation of Israel “for the sake of Allah.” The video, shared by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), provides clips of the message delivered by Sheikh Mohamed Elimam […]