African, Middle Eastern Nations Most Cited on 2013 ‘World Watch List’ of Christian Persecutors

African, Middle Eastern Nations Most Cited on 2013 ‘World Watch List’ of Christian Persecutors

Santa Ana, California — The persecution watch group Open Doors has released its 2013 World Watch List of the 50 countries where Christians are most persecuted, indicating a surge of persecution throughout the continent of Africa and continued hostility throughout the Middle East. Open Doors has created the list for a number of years in […]

Massachusetts Pastor Sued By Ugandan Homosexual Activist Group on Trial for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

Massachusetts Pastor Sued By Ugandan Homosexual Activist Group on Trial for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

Springfield, Massachusetts — A pastor in Massachusetts attended a federal hearing yesterday as a lawsuit filed against the minister by a Ugandan homosexual activist group accusing him of “crimes against humanity” is being considered by the courts. Pastor Scott Lively, author of The Pink Swastika, had visited the nation of Uganda in 2009, where he […]

Obama Selects Socialist Economist Esther Duflo as Adviser in U.S. Global Development Council

Obama Selects Socialist Economist Esther Duflo as Adviser in U.S. Global Development Council

Washington, D.C. — The Obama administration recently announced the latest round of selections to serve in “key administration posts,” including the appointment of socialist economist Esther Duflo as a member of the President’s Global Development Council. In total, eight appointments were announced as members for the Council, with Mohamed A. El-Erian nominated as chairman. “These dedicated […]

Prospective Families Heartbroken Over Russian Ban on American Adoptions

Prospective Families Heartbroken Over Russian Ban on American Adoptions

A number of prospective families are expressing frustration and heartbreak over Russia’s recent ban on American adoptions. President Vladmir Putin signed the proposed prohibition into law late last month, which will now close off the country to Americans who seek to adopt orphaned boys and girls in the nation. Approximately 46 adoptions that were in […]

Journalist Exposes ‘Weird World of Scientology’ and its Secret Underground ‘Alien Space Cathedral’

Journalist Exposes ‘Weird World of Scientology’ and its Secret Underground ‘Alien Space Cathedral’

Trementina, New Mexico — A journalist in the UK has written a book about what he calls a secret Scientologist “alien space cathedral” after studying an underground bunker built by the organization hidden deep in the desert of New Mexico. John Sweeney of The Sun states that the enormous facility, called the Trementina Base, was built […]

Youcef Nadarkhani Arrested and Imprisoned Again by Iranian Authorities

Youcef Nadarkhani Arrested and Imprisoned Again by Iranian Authorities

Youcef Nadarkhani, who was acquitted of apostasy and released from an Iranian prison this past September, has been arrested again by Iranian authorities and put back in prison to serve another 40 days. Reports state that the director of Lakan Prison explained that Nadarkhani was released too early because his attorney Mohammed Ali Dadkhah was […]

German Shoe Company Manufactures Footwear for Atheists Who Want Filthy ‘Soles’

German Shoe Company Manufactures Footwear for Atheists Who Want Filthy ‘Soles’

Berlin, Germany — A new shoe manufacturing company in Germany is selling atheist footwear for those who want to get their ‘soles’ dirty. The company simply calls itself Atheist and was launched in May of this year. Creating retro style casual shoes that look more like a dress shoe or bowling shoe than a sneaker, […]