The sudden string of reports of cannibalism and other shocking violent crimes in the news is causing much discussion about the extreme demonic manifestations that are escalating worldwide. Montreal, Canada During the week of May 20th, Chinese university student Jun Lin, 33, was reported to be missing from his apartment in Montreal following a party. […]
Reports out of Maharashtra, India state that abortionists are purportedly feeding aborted fetuses to dogs. Varsha Deshpande of the group Lek Ladki Abhiyan, which works to stop sex-selection in the country, says that she has been investigating the matter and has found it to be true. Deshpande explained that during a sting operation in 2010, […]
A world-reknowned atheist says that he wants youth to read the Bible — but admits that he has an “ulterior motive.” Richard Dawkins recently wrote an op-ed for UK’s Guardian newspaper in response to an effort by the country’s Department of Education, which seeks to place a Bible in every public school in the land. […]
Nigeria is a nation in Western Africa with a population estimated at over 170 million. It is the most populous country in Africa and the seventh most populated country in the world. Sadly, the country is also largely comprised of practicing Muslims, including the militant jihadist group Boko Haram, which seeks to establish Sharia law […]
In open disapproval of Lady Gaga’s immoral and provocative performances, demonic musical undertone and blasphemous lyrics, hundreds of Christians and other youth marched for the second day in Manila to the venue where she is scheduled to bring her “Born This Way” tour on May 21 and 22. Expressing their disgust at the American performer, […]
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Blind Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng arrived in the United States on Saturday and declared “equality and justice have no boundaries” after China let him leave a Beijing hospital to quell a sensitive diplomatic rift between the two countries. Chen escaped from house arrest in northeastern China last month and sought refuge […]
“The Quran is our constitution; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah is our goal,” Mohamed Mursi, leader of the Freedom and Justice Party and Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate, said in his election speech to students at Cairo University on Saturday. “Today, Egypt is as close […]
A 19-year old Canadian high school student was recently suspended for wearing a t-shirt that read “Life is Wasted Without Jesus.” According to reports, the school stated that it had warned William Swinimer not to wear the t-shirt on numerous occasions. The superintendent opined that the shirt was problematic because it was directed at the […]