Pro-Life Media Group and Adoption Agency Making Impact With National Ad Offering Abortion Alternative

Pro-Life Media Group and Adoption Agency Making Impact With National Ad Offering Abortion Alternative

Grand Rapids, Michigan — A pro-life media group and a nationally-recognized adoption agency state that they have been making a positive impact for life through their partnership in producing a television advertisement for abortion-minded mothers. Heroic Media and Bethany Christian Services joined forces late last year to launch the first-ever national television campaign that centered on […]

U.S. Supreme Court Refuses Case to End Taxpayer Funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research

U.S. Supreme Court Refuses Case to End Taxpayer Funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Washington, D.C. — The United States Supreme Court has to refused to hear a case seeking to end taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research, allowing a lower court ruling to stand on the matter. In 2009, two scientists filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration, alleging that the destruction of human embryos violated the Dickey/Wicker […]

PBS Outlines Role of Faith in Anti-Slavery Fight in New Abolitionist Documentary

PBS Outlines Role of Faith in Anti-Slavery Fight in New Abolitionist Documentary

As 2o13 marks the 150th year since President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, setting an estimated three million slaves at liberty across the nation, PBS is observing the occasion with a new documentary called The Abolitionists. The three-part series will begin airing on Tuesday, January 8, as the network presents a production weaved together […]

Obama Selects Socialist Economist Esther Duflo as Adviser in U.S. Global Development Council

Obama Selects Socialist Economist Esther Duflo as Adviser in U.S. Global Development Council

Washington, D.C. — The Obama administration recently announced the latest round of selections to serve in “key administration posts,” including the appointment of socialist economist Esther Duflo as a member of the President’s Global Development Council. In total, eight appointments were announced as members for the Council, with Mohamed A. El-Erian nominated as chairman. “These dedicated […]

Prospective Families Heartbroken Over Russian Ban on American Adoptions

Prospective Families Heartbroken Over Russian Ban on American Adoptions

A number of prospective families are expressing frustration and heartbreak over Russia’s recent ban on American adoptions. President Vladmir Putin signed the proposed prohibition into law late last month, which will now close off the country to Americans who seek to adopt orphaned boys and girls in the nation. Approximately 46 adoptions that were in […]

Woman Fired For Biblical Views Continues Fight After Court Rules Diversity Trumps Religious Rights

Woman Fired For Biblical Views Continues Fight After Court Rules Diversity Trumps Religious Rights

Cincinnati, Ohio — A Christian woman that was fired from her job at the University of Toledo for expressing her views about homosexual behavior is continuing her fight after a federal court recently threw out her case, claiming that sexual diversity trumps religious rights. Crystal Dixon states that in 2008, she saw an opinion piece […]

California Father to Speak Against Schools Becoming ‘Re-Education Camps’ for Homosexual Agenda

California Father to Speak Against Schools Becoming ‘Re-Education Camps’ for Homosexual Agenda

San Juan Capistrano, California — A California father is set address officials of his local school district about his concerns relating to area schools becoming “re-education camps” for the homosexual agenda. Stan Wasbin is a father of four, all of which attend school within the Capistrano Unified School District. Recently, Wasbin wrote a three-page letter […]

Obama Criticizes NDAA Conscience Clause Exempting Chaplains From Performing Same-Sex ‘Marriages’

Obama Criticizes NDAA Conscience Clause Exempting Chaplains From Performing Same-Sex ‘Marriages’

Washington, D.C. — Barack Obama signed into law the 2013 version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) this week, calling the included Conscience Clause provision that exempts military chaplains from performing homosexual ceremonies “unnecessary and ill-advised.” “Section 533 is an unnecessary and ill-advised provision, as the military already appropriately protects the freedom of conscience […]