Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir to Perform for Obama at Inaugural Ceremony

Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir to Perform for Obama at Inaugural Ceremony

Brooklyn, New York — The renowned Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, known both for its award-winning music and testimonies of changed lives, is scheduled to perform at the upcoming inauguration of Barack Obama. According to reports, the Grammy-winning choir had been invited to the Inauguration in June of last year by United States Senator Charles Schumer of […]

National Cathedral to Perform Same-Sex ‘Weddings’

Washington, D.C. — The Washington National Cathedral, where the nation gathers to mourn tragedies and celebrate new presidents, will soon begin performing same-sex marriages. Cathedral officials tell The Associated Press the church will be among the first Episcopal congregations to implement a new rite of marriage for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender members. The church […]

Passion Pastor Louie Giglio Bows Out of Inauguration Invite Over Criticism From Homosexual Advocates

Passion Pastor Louie Giglio Bows Out of Inauguration Invite Over Criticism From Homosexual Advocates

Atlanta, Georgia — A pastor known for his work with the popular Passion conferences for college-aged students has bowed out of his invitation to deliver the benediction at the inauguration of Barack Obama over criticism surrounding his past comments about the Bible and homosexuality. Louie Giglio is the pastor of Passion City Church in Roswell, […]

Atheist Activist Group Demands That Florida City Cease Prayers at City Council Meetings

Atheist Activist Group Demands That Florida City Cease Prayers at City Council Meetings

Cape Coral, Florida — A nationally-known atheist activist group is demanding that a city in Southwest Florida cease opening its council meetings with prayer. Although it would not disclose the name of the individual, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) says that it received a complaint from a Cape Coral resident who had attended a […]

Planned Parenthood Releases New Report Showing Record-Setting 333,964 Abortions in 2011

Planned Parenthood Releases New Report Showing Record-Setting 333,964 Abortions in 2011

Washington, D.C. — A newly-released report by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America shows that the organization performed over 300,000 abortions in 2011, marking a record since the group was founded by Margaret Sanger in the early 1900’s. According to the report, 333,964 abortions were performed during the 2011-2012 fiscal year, up from 329,445 in […]

Boy Scout Troop Challenges Headquarters to Award Openly ‘Gay’ Scout With Eagle Rank

Boy Scout Troop Challenges Headquarters to Award Openly ‘Gay’ Scout With Eagle Rank

Moraga, California — A Boy Scout troop in California is challenging the national headquarters of the Boy Scouts of America to award an avowed gay scout with Eagle rank despite the organization’s policies prohibiting membership of openly homosexual scouts. Bonnie Hazarabedian, chairman of the Boy Scout district review board for the Moraga area, says she […]

Hundreds Attend Candlelight Vigil for Slain Elk in Colorado as ‘Human Life is Devalued’

Hundreds Attend Candlelight Vigil for Slain Elk in Colorado as ‘Human Life is Devalued’

Boulder, Colorado — Hundreds from the community of Boulder, Colorado recently attended a candlelight vigil for an elk that had been slain by a city police officer, while one local pro-life group is lamenting the devaluing of human life in the state. The roadside service, held on Sunday, included a singing of “Amazing Grace” and […]

Indiana State Senator Introduces Legislation to Allow Recitation of Lord’s Prayer in Schools

Indiana State Senator Introduces Legislation to Allow Recitation of Lord’s Prayer in Schools

Indianapolis, Indiana — A Republican Indiana state senator has introduced legislation that would require public school students to recite the Lord’s Prayer each morning. Senator Dennis Kruse, who serves as the chairman of the Senate Education Committee, says that the bill is beneficial because it will help students to “recognize the importance of spiritual development […]

The Destructive Influence of Pietism in American Society

The Destructive Influence of Pietism in American Society

Many in American Christianity like to use great swelling words about revival – “a national revival” – as being the only means whereby the ills of our nation will be reversed or cured. But I submit to you that even if there were a great revival in this nation, we would not see any of […]