Federal Court: Evangelists Have ‘Strong Case’ Against City of Syracuse

Federal Court: Evangelists Have ‘Strong Case’ Against City of Syracuse

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — A federal judge has granted a temporary restraining order to two evangelists that filed suit against the City of Syracuse, New York, stating that they have a “strong case” against its officials. Michael Marcavage of Repent America and Mike Stockwell of Cross Country Evangelism had been prohibited from distributing Gospel literature without […]

Romney Attends Campaign Fundraiser with ‘Morning After Pill’ Manufacturer

Romney Attends Campaign Fundraiser with ‘Morning After Pill’ Manufacturer

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney recently perplexed pro-lifers when he participated in a campaign event with a well-known contraception manufacturer. On May 16, Romney attended a fundraiser at the Star Island, Florida residence of Bill Frost, the chairman of the board of Teva Pharmaceuticals. The company manufactures a number of abortifacient and birth control drugs, […]

‘Lesbian Couple’ Charged for Staging ‘Hate Crime’

‘Lesbian Couple’ Charged for Staging ‘Hate Crime’

Two women who claimed they were victims of a hate crime have been arrested after police determined they staged the incidents. In October of last year, Aimee Whitchurch, 37, and Christel Conklin, 29, called police and reported the words “Kill the Gay” were scrawled in red spray paint on the garage door of their Parker, […]

Town That Cited Street Preacher for Being ‘Annoying’ Must Now Answer to Federal Court

Town That Cited Street Preacher for Being ‘Annoying’ Must Now Answer to Federal Court

MANASQUAN, N.J. — A national legal organization has filed suit against a New Jersey town for violating the constitutional rights of a local street preacher. The Rutherford Institute of Charlottesville, Virginia is representing Ken Fleck in an effort to strike down the current noise ordinance of Manasquan, New Jersey. The ordinance prohibits “loud, unnecessary and […]

Catholic Group Presents Homosexual Sitcom with Prestigious Award

Catholic Group Presents Homosexual Sitcom with Prestigious Award

A nationally-known Catholic group recently presented a prestigious award to producers of a sitcom about homosexuality. Catholics in Media (CIM), who states that its purpose is to applaud “those projects and people in the entertainment industry, who, by their work, have made clearer the Word of God,” recently honored the television show “Modern Family” at […]

Internationally-Known Neurosurgeon Comes Under Fire for Rejecting Evolution

Internationally-Known Neurosurgeon Comes Under Fire for Rejecting Evolution

An internationally-known doctor recently sparked much controversy at a popular university for his views about evolution. John Hopkins’ neurosurgeon Ben Carson was invited to give the commencement speech at Emery University in Atlanta, Georgia this past Monday. When several biology teachers at Emery got wind of Carson’s invitation, they decided to draft a letter to […]

Kansas Cities Pass Measures to Bar Landlords and Employers from Discriminating Against Open Homosexuals

Kansas Cities Pass Measures to Bar Landlords and Employers from Discriminating Against Open Homosexuals

Two Kansas cities have passed legislation prohibiting businesses and landlords from firing or evicting individuals who are found to be involved in the homosexual lifestyle. The Hutchison City Council voted 3-2 today despite much opposition to pass a measure that protected homosexuals from being discriminated against due their lifestyle choices. City leaders explained to the […]

Infuriated NY Lawmakers Close Child Porn Loophole

Infuriated NY Lawmakers Close Child Porn Loophole

The New York State Senate passed a bill on Tuesday criminalizing the viewing of child pornography. The measure was quickly introduced to legislature in an effort to correct a loophole that was highlighted last week when the New York Court of Appeals ruled that viewing child porn was not illegal according to state laws. The […]