Challenge to Pray for Persecuted

Challenge to Pray for Persecuted

Open Doors USA is challenging Christians to pray for the persecuted Church throughout the year via its World Watch List. The ministry lists 50 countries on its website that are most notorious for persecuting Christians and urges believers to pray for a country each week — even for just 5 minutes. By signing up on […]

U.S. Tour Brings Hope to Poor

U.S. Tour Brings Hope to Poor

The non-for-profit ministry Convoy of Hope is working to reduce poverty levels across America, which, according to reports, have hit their highest rates in over 50 years. The organization is currently embarking on a 50-state “Compassion Outreach Tour” to help provide much-needed services free of charge to the poor in communities across the nation. Not […]

Legal Expert: Most Churches Not Equipped to Fight Sexual Abuse

Legal Expert: Most Churches Not Equipped to Fight Sexual Abuse

Legal expert Richard Hammar is working to help churches prevent childhood sexual abuse through a kit called “Reducing the Risk.” Hammar states that most churches are not equipped to properly protect children from predators and that training is much needed. It is estimated that 12 percent of all lawsuits against churches pertain to sexual abuse, […]

Georgia Governor Signs Assisted Suicide Ban into Law

Georgia Governor Signs Assisted Suicide Ban into Law

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal recently signed into law a new bill that criminalizes assisted suicide. HB1114 was presented to Georgia legislature several weeks ago by Rep. Ed Setzler in response to an adverse ruling by the Georgia Supreme Court, which unanimously struck down the state’s old assisted suicide law as being unconstitutional. The Court claimed […]

Polls Show Sad Facts About Societal Morality & Beliefs

Polls Show Sad Facts About Societal Morality & Beliefs has posted the results of a number of surveys conducted with American citizens regarding their beliefs about moral issues. The results are disheartening and show a decline in societal morality in our nation. They also reveal that many are confused about the connection between religion and morality. For instance, in a Gallup poll from 2009, […]

What Pennsylvania’s Abortion Statistics Say About Nation’s Youth

What Pennsylvania’s Abortion Statistics Say About Nation’s Youth

The Pennsylvania Department of Health has released very thorough statistics regarding abortions performed in the state in 2008. The facts reveal very sad and shocking information, especially regarding teenagers. According to the Pennsylvania Induced Abortion Report, 48 thirteen year-olds had an abortion in the state in 2008, followed by 186 fourteen year-olds, 424 fifteen year-olds, […]

Movie Review: Time Changer

Movie Review: Time Changer

Time Changer is a movie with a message for today’s society. Produced by Rich Christiano’s Five and Two Pictures, the film is 100% clean, with no objectionable material or profanity. If fact, among other issues, Time Changer addresses that very item – the deterioration of the media produced in modern times. Although Time Changer does […]