California Bans Conversion Therapy and Counseling for Youth Struggling With Homosexuality

California Bans Conversion Therapy and Counseling for Youth Struggling With Homosexuality

The state of California has officially signed a bill into law that prohibits counselors and others from providing conversion therapy and counseling to youth that struggle with homosexuality. Last weekend, Governor Jerry Brown approved Senate bill SB1172, stating that he hopes that reparative therapy is forever heaved into “the dustbin of quackery.” Brown and others, […]

Nazarene Pastor Petitions Hobby Lobby to Drop Suit Opposing Obamacare’s Morning-After Pill Mandate

Nazarene Pastor Petitions Hobby Lobby to Drop Suit Opposing Obamacare’s Morning-After Pill Mandate

A Nazarene pastor, a liberal faith-based group and others are voicing their objection to the recent lawsuit filed by the arts and crafts store Hobby Lobby, which was the first Christian business to challenge Obamacare’s morning-after pill mandate, stating that the drug is a necessary form of birth control. However, Hobby Lobby is contending that […]

‘America for Jesus’ Rally Draws Both Crowds and Concerns

‘America for Jesus’ Rally Draws Both Crowds and Concerns

Thousands gathered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this weekend for a large-scale prayer event called America for Jesus. While some openly welcomed the gathering, others expressed concern over the apostasy of a number of the scheduled speakers. As previously reported, America for Jesus is led by megachurch speaker and author Anne Gimenez of Rock Church in Virginia […]

Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy: ‘We Made No Concessions’ on Homosexuality, Questions Remain

Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy: ‘We Made No Concessions’ on Homosexuality, Questions Remain

A popular talk show host and former presidential candidate is reporting that he had a personal conversation this week with the president of Chick-fil-A regarding alleged promises made to Chicago officials in order to distance the company from arguments over the issue of homosexuality. However, questions still remain surrounding Chick-fil-A’s recent statement and its repeated […]

Pastor Threatened With Arrest for Preaching on Bourbon Street After Sunset Files Federal Lawsuit

Pastor Threatened With Arrest for Preaching on Bourbon Street After Sunset Files Federal Lawsuit

A pastor that was threatened with arrest for preaching on New Orleans’ Bourbon Street after sunset has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the city’s Aggressive Solicitation ordinance, and is seeking a preliminary injunction against its enforcement. Attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed a complaint in district court yesterday on behalf of Pastor Paul Gros, […]

Romney-Ryan Ticket Seduces Evangelicals at Ecumenical Values Voter Summit

Romney-Ryan Ticket Seduces Evangelicals at Ecumenical Values Voter Summit

Washington, D.C. — Presidential contender Mitt Romney and running mate Paul Ryan addressed attendees of the 2012 Values Voter Summit this past weekend, an ecumenical event hosted by the Family Research Council, led by Tony Perkins. The annual event featured dozens of prominent evangelicals, along with those from other faiths, such as former presidential candidate […]

Famed Cheers Actor to Pro-Lifer at DNC: ‘You Should Have Been Aborted’

Famed Cheers Actor to Pro-Lifer at DNC: ‘You Should Have Been Aborted’

Christians who traveled to the Democratic National Convention to be a voice for unborn children state that they had an interesting encounter yesterday with a well-known actor. As previously reported, throughout the week, Christians from across the country descended upon the Democratic National Convention to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to expose the […]

Evangelists Descend Upon Democratic National Convention to Preach Repentance and Faith in Christ

Evangelists Descend Upon Democratic National Convention to Preach Repentance and Faith in Christ

A number of evangelists from across the country have descended upon the streets of Charlotte, North Carolina to reach out to attendees of the Democratic National Convention. As thousands gather in preparation for Thursday’s acceptance speech of Barack Obama, the evangelists state that they are using the opportunity to call the nation to repentance. “We […]

RNC Concludes With Prayer to Mormon god, Vulgar Innuendo and Romney Acceptance Speech

RNC Concludes With Prayer to Mormon god, Vulgar Innuendo and Romney Acceptance Speech

The Republican National Convention came to a close Thursday night, featuring a Mormon invocation and Catholic benediction, an acceptance speech from nominee Mitt Romney, musical entertainment, and numerous speeches from politicians, Olympic stars and celebrities across America. In the evening, the invocation was delivered by former Massachusetts Mormon stake president Kenneth Hutchins as per Romney’s request. […]

Evangelical Election Prayer Effort Seeks to ‘Save America,’ Others Cite Ecumenical Concerns

Evangelical Election Prayer Effort Seeks to ‘Save America,’ Others Cite Ecumenical Concerns

Thousands are expected to participate in prayer efforts beginning next month centered around the upcoming presidential election. America for Jesus, an organization led by megachurch leader Anne Gimenez of Virginia Beach, Virginia, will host an event called The Awakening in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on September 28th and 29th. According to the event website, the event is […]