National Right to Life Endorses Luther Strange for U.S. Senate Over Roy Moore

National Right to Life Endorses Luther Strange for U.S. Senate Over Roy Moore

WASHINGTON — National Right to Life has announced its endorsement for Sen. Luther Strange for U.S. Senate over “Ten Commandments Judge” Roy Moore. “National Right to Life is pleased to endorse Senator Luther Strange, whose position on life reflects the true values of Alabama’s voters,” Karen Cross, the organization’s political director, said in a statement […]

Appeals Court Sends ‘Transgender’ Restroom Case Back to Lower Court to Determine if Matter Moot

Appeals Court Sends ‘Transgender’ Restroom Case Back to Lower Court to Determine if Matter Moot

RICHMOND, Va. — A federal appeals court has returned a case involving a Virginia girl who identifies as a boy and wanted to use the boys’ restroom at school back to the district court to determine whether the matter is moot since the student has now graduated from high school. “[A] crucial threshold question arises in […]

U.S. Department of Justice Files Legal Brief Declaring Title VII Does Not Include Homosexuality

U.S. Department of Justice Files Legal Brief Declaring Title VII Does Not Include Homosexuality

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Justice has filed an amicus brief declaring that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not pertain to homosexuality. “The sole question here is whether, as a matter of law, Title VII reaches sexual orientation discrimination,” it wrote. “It does not, as has been settled for […]

Judge Grants U.S. Govt’s Request for Buffer Zone Around Kentucky Abortion Facility to Prevent Pro-Lifers From Stopping Murder

Judge Grants U.S. Govt’s Request for Buffer Zone Around Kentucky Abortion Facility to Prevent Pro-Lifers From Stopping Murder

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A federal judge has granted a temporary restraining order that prevents 10 individuals who had been arrested in May for blocking the doors of Kentucky’s last abortion facility from doing so again this weekend during a pro-life rally in Louisville. U.S. District Court Judge David Hale, appointed to the bench by then-President Barack […]

Facebook Says It Shouldn’t Have to Stay Mum When Government Seeks User Data

Facebook Says It Shouldn’t Have to Stay Mum When Government Seeks User Data

(Washington Post) — Major technology companies and civil liberties groups have joined Facebook in a closed courtroom battle over secret government access to social media records. Facebook is fighting a court order that prohibits it from letting users know when law enforcement investigators ask to search their political communications — a ban that Facebook contends […]

Virginia KKK Rally Countered by 1,000 Protesters

Virginia KKK Rally Countered by 1,000 Protesters

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — A KKK rally in Virginia was met with a swelling protest on Saturday. An estimated 50 Klan members gathered in Charlottesville to express objection to the city council’s decision to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from Lee Park, which has now been renamed Emancipation Park. The statue has stood […]

Park Service Reverses Decision, Allows Christian Geologist to Study Grand Canyon Following Lawsuit

Park Service Reverses Decision, Allows Christian Geologist to Study Grand Canyon Following Lawsuit

PHOENIX, Ariz. – A Christian geologist who sued government officials for discriminating against his religious beliefs will be allowed to conduct research within the Grand Canyon after all, as the National Park Service (NPS) has reversed its initial decision to deny the request. As previously reported, Dr. Andrew Snelling of Answers in Genesis requested permission […]

Department of Education Memo Says Govt May Investigate Refusal to Use Students’ Preferred Pronouns

Department of Education Memo Says Govt May Investigate Refusal to Use Students’ Preferred Pronouns

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Education recently released a memo that, while scaling back the Obama administration’s insistence that schools allow “transgender” students to use the restroom that matches their “internal sense of gender,” also advises that schools may still be investigated for failing to look into hostile situations, such as when there is […]

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Releases Statement Recognizing ‘LGBTI Pride Month’

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Releases Statement Recognizing ‘LGBTI Pride Month’

WASHINGTON — U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson released a statement on Wednesday recognizing “LGBT Pride Month,” an act that some have noted President Donald Trump has not done, unlike predecessor Barack Obama, who released such a statement each year. “In recognition of LGBTI Month, the Department of State affirms its solidarity with the human […]

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