Annual World Watch List Highlights How Pandemic Exposed Christian Persecution ‘in a New Way’

Annual World Watch List Highlights How Pandemic Exposed Christian Persecution ‘in a New Way’

SANTA ANA, Calif. — The annual World Watch List released by the watchdog Open Doors USA shows that the COVID-19 pandemic presented another avenue for those hostile to Christianity in Asia and Africa to persecute believers. It also finds that an estimated one in eight Christians worldwide suffers for their faith. “The coronavirus pandemic was […]

Field Workers in China Continue to Serve North Korean Christians

Field Workers in China Continue to Serve North Korean Christians

North Korea (International Christian Concern) – Despite being the most dangerous country for Christians to live in, North Korea still has tens of thousands Christians (though actual number is impossible to obtain). Some of them remain underground inside, while others escaped to other countries to seek freedom. To serve the Christians who’ve managed to flee […]

Homosexual Professor Sues Christian-Identifying University for Denying Him Full-Time Teaching Job

Homosexual Professor Sues Christian-Identifying University for Denying Him Full-Time Teaching Job

SEATTLE — A homosexual professor who works as a nursing instructor at Seattle Pacific University, a private Christian-identified institution in Washington State, has sued the school for discrimination for declining to hire him for a full-time teaching job. According to the lawsuit filed on Monday, Jéaux Rinedahl was hired in 2019 as a part-time adjunct faculty instructor […]

Al-Shabaab Attacks Bus Traveling in Kenya, Possibly Looking for Christians

Al-Shabaab Attacks Bus Traveling in Kenya, Possibly Looking for Christians

TARBAJ, Kenya (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on Tuesday, gunmen believed to be part of the Somali-based al-Shabaab terrorist group flagged down a passenger bus at Tarbaj, Wajir State. During the attack the gunmen separated men from women, interrogating them to identify non-local travelers. Reporting on the incident, the […]

Hindu Nationalists Incite Animists, Those Who Believe Nature Has Spirit, to Attack Christians in India

Hindu Nationalists Incite Animists, Those Who Believe Nature Has Spirit, to Attack Christians in India

  NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Six Christian families were worshipping in a wood-and-hay structure in eastern India last month when an influential man of wealth wielding an axe led others in and, in coarse language, asked why they had abandoned their tribal religion. Elder Burjo Tadinji of the church in Odisha state’s Chichima village, […]

Christians in Indian Village Banned From Religious Services for Not Being ‘Christian by Birth’

Christians in Indian Village Banned From Religious Services for Not Being ‘Christian by Birth’

(International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) learned that police officials in India’s Karnataka state banned a community of Christians from gathering for worship services indefinitely. The officials justified this unconstitutional action by claiming that none of the approximately 50 Christians were Christian by birth and must have been coercively or fraudulently converted to […]

Mass. High Court to Decide Whether Christian College Discriminated in Denying Professor Promotion

Mass. High Court to Decide Whether Christian College Discriminated in Denying Professor Promotion

BOSTON — The Supreme Judicial Court in Massachusetts is currently weighing a case surrounding whether or not a Christian college can consider its professors as tantamount to “ministers” and may consequently legally deny an employee a promotion without being held liable for discrimination due to the “ministerial exception” legal doctrine based on the First Amendment. […]

First Christian Arrested Under New ‘Unlawful Conversion’ Statute in Uttar Pradesh, India

First Christian Arrested Under New ‘Unlawful Conversion’ Statute in Uttar Pradesh, India

NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – A Korean Christian and three nationals of India are in jail in Uttar Pradesh state, accused of fraudulent conversion attempts while distributing food and other aid to people in need due to COVID-19 lockdown, sources said. Under a new “anti-conversion” law that went into effect in Uttar Pradesh state, India […]

Churches, Faith-Based Schools Ask Va. Gov. Not to ‘Force’ Christians to ‘Violate Their Consciences’ or Pay $100K in Fines

Churches, Faith-Based Schools Ask Va. Gov. Not to ‘Force’ Christians to ‘Violate Their Consciences’ or Pay $100K in Fines

RICHMOND, Va. — A number of churches, faith-based schools and businesses have signed an open letter to Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, asking him not to enforce the so-called “Virginia Values Act” in a way that attempts to “force” Christians to violate their deeply-held convictions under penalty of law that includes up to $100,000 in fines […]