French Take to the Streets in Tens of Thousands to Protest Signing of Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Bill

French Take to the Streets in Tens of Thousands to Protest Signing of Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Bill

PARIS — Just over a week after French President Francois Hollande signed a bill into law legalizing homosexual marriage and adoption in the country, tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets on Sunday to show their opposition. While reports state that approximately 150,000 people filled the streets of Paris to stand for marriage […]

California Lawmakers Consider Mandating ‘Gay Infertility’ Insurance

California Lawmakers Consider Mandating ‘Gay Infertility’ Insurance

Sacramento, California — Lawmakers in California are considering a bill that would mandate insurance companies, under criminal penalties, to offer coverage for infertility treatments for homosexuals. AB 460 was recently proposed by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano of San Francisco, who notes that while insurance companies in the state currently cover infertility treatments for couples, some “are […]

Christian School Locked in Legal Battle With Teachers Fired for Refusing to Affirm Their Faith

Christian School Locked in Legal Battle With Teachers Fired for Refusing to Affirm Their Faith

Thousand Oaks, California — Two former elementary school teachers and a once-secular school in California are fighting a complicated legal battle in the courts regarding the dismissal of the teachers for refusing to provide proof of their Christian faith. Little Oaks Elementary School is a pre-k through 5th grade institution owned by Calvary Chapel of […]

European Court of Human Rights Throws Out Three of Four Christian Discrimination Cases

STOCKHOLM, Sweden — In a landmark case that experts say will reverberate for generations, the European Court of Human Rights ruled against three out of four U.K. Christians who suffered from discrimination because of their faith. Analysts who spoke with WND had mixed feelings about the verdict, parts of which will be appealed to the ECHR […]

Hundreds of Thousands Protest in France Against Proposed Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Bill

Hundreds of Thousands Protest in France Against Proposed Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Bill

Paris, France — Hundreds of thousands took to the streets of the French capitol today, opposing a bill presented by President Francois Hollande that makes provision to allow same-sex “marriage” in the country. An estimated 340,000 citizens marched near the Eiffel Tower, many of which waved pink or blue flags that contained a graphic of […]

Federal Court Rules Against Missouri’s Attempt to Halt Obamacare’s Abortion Pill Mandate

Federal Court Rules Against Missouri’s Attempt to Halt Obamacare’s Abortion Pill Mandate

St. Louis, Missouri — A federal court has ruled against a newly-enacted Missouri law that sought to block Obamacare’s abortion pill mandate by allowing religious-owned businesses to be exempt from the requirement. In September of this year, Missouri legislators enacted the law, overriding a veto from Democratic Governor Jay Nixon. It had initially passed in May, 28-6 […]

Christian Colleges Vowing to Defy Obamacare’s Contraception Mandate

Christian Colleges Vowing to Defy Obamacare’s Contraception Mandate

A number of Christian colleges have filed suit against the Obama administration for the contraception mandate that is included in the recently upheld health care bill, and have vowed to defy the requirement even if the courts do not rule in their favor. The Affordable Health Care Act requires religious employers to assist workers with […]

Same-Sex Ceremony Performed on Louisiana Military Base

Congressmen are speaking out following the performance of a same-sex ceremony on a military base in Louisiana. The ceremony, which involved two lesbians, took place a few weeks ago in the military chapel of Fort Polk in the city of Leesville. It was conducted largely in secret by a chaplain for the Disciples of Christ. Same-sex […]

Proposition 8 Headed to U.S. Supreme Court

Proposition 8 Headed to U.S. Supreme Court

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has refused to review a ruling from earlier this year that overturned California’s Proposition 8, which banned homosexual “marriage.” The case now heads to the Supreme Court. The decision on Tuesday was divided, with three judges dissenting. Those that disagreed with the majority stated that the federal court’s ruling […]

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