Missouri Students Push Back After Atheists Demand Youth Pastor Stop Leading Lunchtime Prayers

Missouri Students Push Back After Atheists Demand Youth Pastor Stop Leading Lunchtime Prayers

HOLLISTER, Mo. — Students in a Missouri school district are pushing back after a professing atheist organization recently sent a letter to district officials, demanding that an area youth pastor be prohibited from leading prayers during the lunch period. The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) had sent a letter last month to Hollister Superintendent Brian […]

Indiana Passes Law Banning Abortion of Down Syndrome or Dwarfed Children

Indiana Passes Law Banning Abortion of Down Syndrome or Dwarfed Children

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — Lawmakers in Indiana have passed a bill banning the murder of unborn children based on a Down Syndrome diagnosis or any other disability, while stopping short of banning all abortion in the state. H.B. 1337 passed the House of Representatives in a 60-40 vote on Wednesday, just a week after the Indiana Senate […]

Refugees Encounter Christ in Greece

Refugees Encounter Christ in Greece

Greece (Mission Network News) — Christian Aid Mission reports that while the European Union reached an agreement with Turkey this week to stem the tide of Syrian and other refugees to Greece and other EU countries, refugees continued to pour onto the Greek islands–or die trying. At least 25 refugees perished when their Greece-bound dinghy […]

‘Pathological’ Ben Carson Endorses Trump: ‘There Is a Lot More Alignment Spiritually Than I Thought’

‘Pathological’ Ben Carson Endorses Trump: ‘There Is a Lot More Alignment Spiritually Than I Thought’

PALM BEACH, Fla. — Former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, a Seventh-Day Adventist who Donald Trump once attacked as “pathological” and “low energy,” endorsed the Presbyterian-identifying billionaire business mogul on Friday morning. “I have found in talking with [Donald Trump] that … there is a lot more alignment philosophically and spiritually than I ever thought […]

Trump Belittles Reporter Concerned About Profanity Use: ‘You’ve Never Heard Bad Language’

Trump Belittles Reporter Concerned About Profanity Use: ‘You’ve Never Heard Bad Language’

JUPITER, Fla. — During a press conference on Tuesday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump belittled a reporter who expressed concern about his use of profanity on the campaign trail, especially around children. NBC’s Peter Alexander asked Trump about a new television advertisement by the American Future Fund Political Action Committee that highlights the candidate’s repeated use […]

Florida Legislature Defunds Abortion Giant Planned Parenthood

Florida Legislature Defunds Abortion Giant Planned Parenthood

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Lawmakers in Florida have voted to defund the abortion giant Planned Parenthood, as well as to place new requirements on abortion facilities that mirror those currently being challenged in the U.S. Supreme Court. House Bill 1411 reallocates funds that abortion providers had been receiving as Medicaid reimbursement, and prohibits the government from […]

Hundreds Flood School Board Meeting in Support of Appeal of Court Order to End Prayer Practice

Hundreds Flood School Board Meeting in Support of Appeal of Court Order to End Prayer Practice

CHINO HILLS, Calif. — Hundreds cheered as a California school board voted on Monday on which law firm they would hire to represent them in an appeal against an atheist lawsuit that resulted in a court order that the board stop praying before meetings and speaking about Christianity in their remarks. As previously reported, in […]

Texas Superintendents Vote to Require Athletes to Show Birth Certificates to Prove Gender

Texas Superintendents Vote to Require Athletes to Show Birth Certificates to Prove Gender

AUSTIN, Texas — School district superintendents in Texas recently voted to require student athletes to provide proof of their gender by submitting a copy of their birth certificate. The new policy, passed by a 586-32 vote, ensures that boys do not play on girls’ teams and girls do not play on boys’ teams. “Member schools may […]

U.K. Sees Rise in Children Receiving Treatment for Gender Confusion

U.K. Sees Rise in Children Receiving Treatment for Gender Confusion

LONDON (Christian Concern) — The number of children being given medical treatment for ‘gender confusion’ has risen 1,000 percent over the past five years. The NHS’s Gender Identity Disorder Service treated 1,013 children, between April and December last year, a freedom of information request by The Sun revealed. In 2010, just 97 cases were recorded. […]