‘Please Pray for Me, Holy Father:’ Kim Davis Embraces ‘Pope Francis,’ Bursts Into Tears Receiving Rosary

‘Please Pray for Me, Holy Father:’ Kim Davis Embraces ‘Pope Francis,’ Bursts Into Tears Receiving Rosary

WASHINGTON — The embattled Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis, who identifies as an Apostolic Pentecostal, met privately on Thursday with Jorge Bergoglio, also known as “Pope Francis,” who is the head of the Roman Catholic religion, during his visit to the United States. According to reports, the meeting took place in Washington, D.C. following the […]

Iran’s President Says American Pastor Might Be Freed if U.S. Releases Iranian Prisoners

Iran’s President Says American Pastor Might Be Freed if U.S. Releases Iranian Prisoners

NEW YORK — In an interview with CNN on Sunday, the president of Iran stated that his country might free Americans imprisoned in the nation—which includes a pastor from Idaho—if the United States first releases Iranian prisoners. “If the Americans take the appropriate steps and set [19 Iranians in the United States who are imprisoned] […]

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Assassination of Bangladesh Aid Worker

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Assassination of Bangladesh Aid Worker

(Morning Star News) – The Islamic State (IS) has taken responsibility for gunning down the Italian program manager of a Christian-backed aid group on Monday (Sept. 28) in Dhaka, Bangladesh. An online statement claiming to be from the Islamic extremist IS said a “security detachment” from the terrorist organization had followed Cesare Tavella of the […]

Obama: Religious Liberty ‘Doesn’t Grant Us Freedom to Deny’ Homosexual ‘Rights’

Obama: Religious Liberty ‘Doesn’t Grant Us Freedom to Deny’ Homosexual ‘Rights’

NEW YORK — During a Democratic National Committee fundraiser on Sunday, Barack Obama told those gathered that religious rights have limits when it comes to homosexuality. “We affirm that we cherish our religious freedom and are profoundly respectful of religious traditions,” he said. “But we also have to say clearly that our religious freedom doesn’t […]

Jerusalem Police Limit Muslim Access to Temple Mount Following Violence

Jerusalem Police Limit Muslim Access to Temple Mount Following Violence

JERUSALEM (Jerusalem Post) — Jerusalem police Sunday evening imposed an age restriction on Muslim worshipers entering the Temple Mount complex following violent clashes at site earlier in the day. As of Sunday evening, Israeli security forces were limiting entrance to Jerusalem’s contested holy site to men over 50. Access remained open to women of all […]

Finding Noah’s Ark: Documentary Explores Ongoing Search for Biblical Vessel

Finding Noah’s Ark: Documentary Explores Ongoing Search for Biblical Vessel

Is Noah’s Ark still hiding somewhere today, waiting to be discovered? A documentary coming to theaters nationwide next week explores the ongoing search for the world’s most famous vessel and documents the dangers involved in the centuries-old quest. According to the Bible, Noah constructed an enormous wooden ark to house his family and representatives of […]

ACLU Claims Use of ‘God Bless You’, Prayer Request Boxes at Louisiana High School Are Illegal

ACLU Claims Use of ‘God Bless You’, Prayer Request Boxes at Louisiana High School Are Illegal

BENTON, La. — The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is demanding that a Louisiana school stop allowing students to place prayer request boxes on campus and that its principal stop mentioning God on the school website. The organization sent a letter last week to the superintendent of the Bossier Parish School System to complain about […]

Congressman Steals Papal Water Glass, Drinks from It: ‘Anything Pope Touches Becomes Blessed’

Congressman Steals Papal Water Glass, Drinks from It: ‘Anything Pope Touches Becomes Blessed’

WASHINGTON — A Pennsylvania Congressman is raising eyebrows after he snatched the half-full water glass of the Roman Catholic pontiff known as Francis following his speech before Congress, and then sipped from it out of his belief that the water was now “blessed” because the pope touched it. “Anything the pope touches becomes blessed,” Pennsylvania […]

Tanzanian Church Buildings Torched

Tanzanian Church Buildings Torched

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Three church buildings were set ablaze on Tuesday in an area of northwestern Tanzania where Muslim extremists have issued threats, pastors said. A pastor of one of the three churches whose buildings were gutted, Vedasto Athanas of Living Water International church, said area Christians are worried and frightened as such […]

Rick Warren, T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen Express Excitement Over ‘Pope Francis’ Visit

Rick Warren, T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen Express Excitement Over ‘Pope Francis’ Visit

As the Roman Catholic head Jorge Bergoglio, who is known as “Pope Francis,” traveled to the United States this past week for a six-day visit, megachurch leaders Rick Warren, T.D. Jakes and Joel Osteen expressed their excitement and support for the papal pomp and circumstance. On Wednesday, T.D. Jakes of The Potter’s House posted a […]