Senator Introduces Bill to Exempt Businesses from Obamacare Abortion Pill Mandate

WASHINGTON — An Oklahoma Senator has authored a bill that would provide an exemption for businesses and non-profit organizations from what has been deemed the abortion pill mandate in Obamacare. The Health Care Conscience Rights Act, presented by Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., would remove penalties for entities that object to providing coverage for contraceptives and […]

‘The Realities of Abortion Have Become Public’: U.S. Senate to Vote on Defunding Planned Parenthood

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate is set to vote today on a proposal to strip federal Title X funding from the abortion giant Planned Parenthood and reallocate it to other women’s health facilities. The move comes after several undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress brought light to Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby […]

Alabama Sheriff Has Scripture Decal Affixed to County Patrol Vehicles

Alabama Sheriff Has Scripture Decal Affixed to County Patrol Vehicles

Houston County Sheriff Donald Valenza said his “strong beliefs” inspired him to purchase a biblical-focused decal for the back of his department’s patrol vehicles. “I’ve always had religious belief, and I feel like that’s kept me alive,” he told the Dothan Eagle. “It symbolizes the Houston County Sheriff’s Office.” The decal, which cost $1.60 each, […]

Judge Throws Out Atheist Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania Ten Commandments Monument

Judge Throws Out Atheist Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania Ten Commandments Monument

NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. — A federal judge in Pennsylvania has thrown out a lawsuit challenging the presence of a Ten Commandments monument at a local high school, declaring that the complainants have not suffered injury from the display. “Plaintiffs … have failed to establish that they were forced to come into ‘direct, regular, and unwelcome […]

‘Another Boy!’: Abortionist Discusses Dead ‘Specimens’ in Fourth Planned Parenthood Expose’

‘Another Boy!’: Abortionist Discusses Dead ‘Specimens’ in Fourth Planned Parenthood Expose’

DENVER, Co. — The Center for Medical Progress has released a fourth video expose’ on the abortion giant Planned Parenthood, this time showing a local official discussing ways that the organization has sought to avoid trouble with the law and outlining the “specimen” collection process following abortions. The video features Savita Ginde, medical director of […]

Church Booted from Public School After District Settles Lawsuit Filed by Jewish Teacher

Church Booted from Public School After District Settles Lawsuit Filed by Jewish Teacher

DENVER — A school district in Colorado has come to an agreement in a lawsuit filed by a teacher who accused officials of “operat[ing] largely to promote the evangelical Christian ideals” of a local church. As previously reported, Robert Basevitz, who identifies as Jewish, said that the Christian activities held at Florence High School made […]

Ford Contractor Fired for Speaking Against Company’s Support for Homosexuality Files Suit

Ford Contractor Fired for Speaking Against Company’s Support for Homosexuality Files Suit

DEARBORN, Mich. — A former contractor for Ford Motor Company has filed a federal lawsuit against the automotive giant and its affiliated employment service for allegedly firing him last year when he disagreed with the company’s views on homosexuality. As previously reported, Thomas Banks has worked as a design and release engineer for Ford since […]

Pro-Life Americans Take to Streets Nationwide to Urge Government to Defund Planned Parenthood

Pro-Life Americans Take to Streets Nationwide to Urge Government to Defund Planned Parenthood

Thousands took to the streets of America on Tuesday to protest the abortion giant Planned Parenthood and to call upon the U.S. government to defund the organization, which receives millions in Title X funds each year. The protests took place in over 60 cities across the nation, including St. Paul, Minn.; Las Vegas, Nev.; Fort […]

Oklahoma Supreme Court Denies Appeal of Order to Remove Ten Commandments Monument

Oklahoma Supreme Court Denies Appeal of Order to Remove Ten Commandments Monument

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — The Oklahoma Supreme Court has declined to accept an appeal of its order to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the state capitol grounds after it declared the presence of the display unconstitutional last month. “We carefully consider the arguments of the commission and find no merit warranting a grant of […]