Judge Dismisses Atheist Challenge Against Oklahoma Ten Commandments Monument

Judge Dismisses Atheist Challenge Against Oklahoma Ten Commandments Monument

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — A federal judge in Oklahoma has dismissed a lawsuit filed by a prominent atheist organization that sought to challenge the presence of a Ten Commandments monument in the state capital. American Atheists, based in New Jersey, had filed the legal challenge on behalf of a woman who complained about its installment […]

Humanists Seek to Honor Scopes ‘Monkey’ Trial Evolutionist with Statue in Courthouse Lawn

Humanists Seek to Honor Scopes ‘Monkey’ Trial Evolutionist with Statue in Courthouse Lawn

DAYTON, Tenn. – A humanist organization that has repeatedly fought against public displays of prayer or Christianity is now raising funds to erect a statue in a courthouse lawn of Clarence Darrow—the promoter of evolution in the famous Scopes “Monkey” Trial. The American Humanist Association (AHA) is a group based in Washington, D.C., that believes in […]

Virginia Council Member Under Fire for Declaring God ‘Touched Hearts of Men’ to End Slavery

Virginia Council Member Under Fire for Declaring God ‘Touched Hearts of Men’ to End Slavery

LEESBURG, Va. — A town council member in Virginia has been under fire after declaring last week that it wasn’t human effort alone that ended American slavery, but that God “touched the hearts of men” to direct the government to put an end to the injustice. Leesburg Town Councilman Thomas Dunn spoke via telephone on Tuesday […]

Scotland Rejects Petition to Change Adultery Definition to Apply to Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

Scotland Rejects Petition to Change Adultery Definition to Apply to Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

(Christian Concern) — A petition urging Scottish ministers to change the definition of adultery following the introduction of same-sex ‘marriage’ has been rejected by MSPs, because there is insufficient time to consider it in this parliamentary term. Campaigner Akri Jones called for the change at the Scottish Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee, claiming that the definition […]

French Parliament Debates Legalization of ‘Terminal Sedation’

French Parliament Debates Legalization of ‘Terminal Sedation’

PARIS (Associated Press) — France’s Parliament started debate Tuesday on a bill aimed at allowing doctors to keep terminally ill patients sedated until death comes, amid national debate about whether to legalize euthanasia. The proposed bill—backed by the Socialist government—stops short of recommending lethal injections and avoids the terms euthanasia or assisted suicide. Prime minister […]

Televangelist Creflo Dollar’s Plea for Help to Buy $65 Million Private Jet Removed After Backlash

Televangelist Creflo Dollar’s Plea for Help to Buy $65 Million Private Jet Removed After Backlash

COLLEGE PARK, Ga. — A video of a prominent prosperity preacher issuing an online plea to supporters to help him purchase a $65 million dollar private jet has been removed following backlash over the matter. Staff of Creflo Dollar of World Changers Church International in College Park, Ga. had posted the video on the organization’s website this month as […]

U.S. Supreme Court Considering Fraud Suit Against Planned Parenthood Filed by Former CFO

U.S. Supreme Court Considering Fraud Suit Against Planned Parenthood Filed by Former CFO

WASHINGTON — A former chief financial officer (CFO) of a California Planned Parenthood facility has petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to hear his case and rule that he is entitled to sue the organization over massive fraud charges that he claims took place while he served the abortion provider. Victor Gonzalez is the former CFO […]

Over 100 Lawmakers Support ‘Conscience Rights’ Exemptions from Obamacare Abortion Pill Mandate

Over 100 Lawmakers Support ‘Conscience Rights’ Exemptions from Obamacare Abortion Pill Mandate

WASHINGTON — Over 100 lawmakers have sponsored a bill that would provide nationwide exemptions for those who cannot comply with the contraceptive coverage mandate in Obamacare due to religious reasons. The bill, which is being introduced for the second time, is called the Health Care Conscience Rights Act (H.R. 940), and protects health care providers, religious […]

Religious Freedom Proposal Shelved After Rep. Requires Businesses to Post Refusal Notice

Religious Freedom Proposal Shelved After Rep. Requires Businesses to Post Refusal Notice

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — A religious freedom proposal that was meant to protect business owners who have faith-based objections to fulfilling particular orders has been shelved after a Democratic representative put forth an amendment that would require such businesses to post notices about their objections. The Oklahoma Religious Freedom Act, HB 1371, was introduced earlier […]