Woman Who Was Given Hormone Blockers as Teen Joins Landmark Legal Case Against UK Gender Clinic

Woman Who Was Given Hormone Blockers as Teen Joins Landmark Legal Case Against UK Gender Clinic

(The Christian Institute) — Giving powerful drugs to children who are confused about their gender puts them on a “torturous” path, a former transsexual has warned as she joined a major legal action against the NHS. Keira Bell was given hormone blockers and cross-sex hormones when she a teenager, but has now returned to living […]

Virginia Senate Votes to Repeal Laws Prohibiting Same-Sex ‘Marriage,’ Civil Unions in State

Virginia Senate Votes to Repeal Laws Prohibiting Same-Sex ‘Marriage,’ Civil Unions in State

RICHMOND, Va. — The Virginia Senate voted on Tuesday to repeal two state laws prohibiting same-sex “marriage” and civil unions. The votes were mostly along party lines, but with five Republicans voting in favor of the proposal. “Right now, same-gender marriage is legal in Virginia as it is throughout the country, and the code of […]

Two Fla. Government Employees Sue State for Not Providing Coverage for ‘Sex Change’ Procedures

Two Fla. Government Employees Sue State for Not Providing Coverage for ‘Sex Change’ Procedures

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Two men who identify as female, and who work for state employers, have filed suit as their government insurance plan does not cover “sex change”-related procedures. “Gender-affirming care is medically necessary treatment for gender dysphoria, a medical condition codified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the International Classification of Diseases,” the […]

‘You Are Discriminating Against the Church’: Pastor in Belize Passionately Speaks Against Proposed ‘Equalities’ Bill

‘You Are Discriminating Against the Church’: Pastor in Belize Passionately Speaks Against Proposed ‘Equalities’ Bill

PUNTA GORDA — A pastor in Belize recently delivered an impassioned speech in opposition to a proposed bill that, while seeking to protect those who identify as homosexual or transgender, would actually discriminate against Christians in the public square. The pastor’s words were met with great enthusiasm by those gathered, as they often broke into cheers […]

Appeals Court Denies Male Inmate’s Request to Be Referred to as Female in Prison and Court Documents

Appeals Court Denies Male Inmate’s Request to Be Referred to as Female in Prison and Court Documents

NEW ORLEANS — The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has denied a male inmate’s request to have his Judgment of Confinement changed to reflect his chosen female name and that he would be addressed by the court with female pronouns. Norman Varner had plead guilty in 2012 to attempted receipt of child pornography and was […]

UK Man Regrets Sex Change Operation, Says He Was ‘Trying to Escape Pain’ and Was Wrongly ‘Catapulted Through System’

UK Man Regrets Sex Change Operation, Says He Was ‘Trying to Escape Pain’ and Was Wrongly ‘Catapulted Through System’

(The Christian Institute) — A man who underwent drastic surgery to appear like a woman has now “detransitioned” and says he is glad to be living as a man once again. Richard Hoskins, an author and criminologist, began living as a woman after his son David died and his second marriage ended. He initially tried […]

UK Psychotherapist Launches Legal Challenge Against NHS Over Use of Puberty-Blocking Drugs on Children

UK Psychotherapist Launches Legal Challenge Against NHS Over Use of Puberty-Blocking Drugs on Children

(The Christian Institute) — Children are unable to give informed consent to medical interventions for gender dysphoria, a former psychiatric nurse has said, as she launches a landmark legal challenge. Susan Evans says the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust’s Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) is rushing children into life-altering decisions. Many of these are often […]

‘God Has Done a Miracle in Me’: UK Man Who Once Identified as Woman Set Free by Jesus Christ

‘God Has Done a Miracle in Me’: UK Man Who Once Identified as Woman Set Free by Jesus Christ

A man in England who had lived as a woman for seven years says that he has been set free from transgenderism by Jesus Christ after seeking help from counselors and doctors and only being told that his problems needed to be addressed by having a sex-change operation. Peter Benjamin recently told Christian Concern that […]

Man Who Identifies as Woman Sues in Effort to Gain Entry Into Ladies’ Beauty Pageant

Man Who Identifies as Woman Sues in Effort to Gain Entry Into Ladies’ Beauty Pageant

PORTLAND, Ore. — An Oregon man who identifies as a woman, and who has been allowed to participate in other beauty competitions, has filed suit against United States of America Pageants for denying his application to the Miss Oregon United States of America pageant due to eligibility rules that limit contestants to biological women only. “I felt […]

UK Judge Rules Against Researcher Who Lost Her Job for Tweeting ‘Men Cannot Change Into Women’

UK Judge Rules Against Researcher Who Lost Her Job for Tweeting ‘Men Cannot Change Into Women’

LONDON — A researcher in England who lost her job over her tweets that men cannot become women has also lost her legal challenge after a judge ruled on Wednesday that her “absolutist view” is “not worthy of respect in a democratic society” and is not protected under British law. Maya Forstater, 45, found herself […]