Oklahoma Officials to Consider Establishing Ten Commandments Monument at County Courthouse

Oklahoma Officials to Consider Establishing Ten Commandments Monument at County Courthouse

Officials in Oklahoma have agreed to consider plans to establish a Ten Commandments monument on the grounds of a county courthouse. LeFlore County representatives had approved a request in 2009 from former Poteau Mayor Don Barnes to erect the statue, but halted the measure after the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a similar […]

Atheist Activists Targeting Children With ‘Good Without God’ Campaign

Atheist Activists Targeting Children With ‘Good Without God’ Campaign

An atheist activist organization is targeting children in a new advertising campaign and website called Kids Without God. The American Humanist Association (AHA), whose motto is “Good Without a God,” announced the launch of its campaign on Tuesday, which it states was “created to strengthen and support kids and teenagers who don’t happen to believe […]

Obama Second Term Sparks Clarion Calls for Secession and Mass Resistance

Obama Second Term Sparks Clarion Calls for Secession and Mass Resistance

Following the reelection of Barack Obama, Americans representing states in over half of the country have filed petitions demanding secession from the union, and are calling for state government officials to resist the unjust laws enacted by the federal government. National Petitions Upon his entry into the White House, the Obama administration set up an online […]

Professor Equates Obama to Jesus in ‘Gospel According to Apostle Barack’

Professor Equates Obama to Jesus in ‘Gospel According to Apostle Barack’

Reports are circulating about a book written by a Florida professor that was released prior to the election, which equates Barack Obama to Jesus and declares that his God-given mission is to bring “heaven on earth.” The Gospel According to Apostle Barack was written by Florida A&M professor Barbara A. Thompson, who states that she was […]

Pro-Life ‘States of Refuge’ Effort Aims to Shut Down Last Abortion Facility in Mississippi

Pro-Life ‘States of Refuge’ Effort Aims to Shut Down Last Abortion Facility in Mississippi

A nationally-recognized pro-life group is working to shut down the last remaining abortion facility in Mississippi, making it the first abortion-free state in the nation. Rusty Thomas of the States of Refuge campaign, which focuses on ending abortion in the five states in America that have just one abortion facility, told Christian News Network that […]

San Francisco Becomes First City to Mandate Taxpayers to Fund Sex-Change Operations

San Francisco Becomes First City to Mandate Taxpayers to Fund Sex-Change Operations

San Francisco has approved a measure that utilizes taxpayer funds to pay for the sex-change operations of the uninsured, becoming the first city in the nation to do so. The Health Commission okayed the move last week, following long talks between health officials and citizens who expressed their desire to obtain mastectomies and reconstruction of their […]

Russian Court Approves Lawsuit Against Madonna for Promoting Homosexuality to Minors

Russian Court Approves Lawsuit Against Madonna for Promoting Homosexuality to Minors

During a pre-trial hearing this week in St. Petersburg, Russia, a court ruled that a lawsuit filed against American pop singer Madonna for promoting homosexuality to minors could go forward. The court opined that the suit, filed by groups such as Union of Russian Citizens, the People’s Assembly and the New Great Russia, presented “sufficient evidence” […]

Thousands of Georgia Voters Write-In ‘Darwin’ in Race Against Creationist Congressman

Thousands of Georgia Voters Write-In ‘Darwin’ in Race Against Creationist Congressman

Approximately four thousand voters in Georgia wrote in Charles Darwin for Congress on Tuesday as a statement of opposition to current United States Representative Paul Broun, who was running virtually unopposed. According to reports, University of Georgia biologist Jim Leebens-Mack recently began a Facebook campaign urging the write-in following remarks made by Broun, in which […]

CIA Director David Petraeus Quits Over Extramarital Affair

CIA Director David Petraeus Quits Over Extramarital Affair

WASHINGTON — David Petraeus, the retired four-star general renowned for taking charge of the military campaigns in Iraq and then Afghanistan, abruptly resigned Friday as director of the CIA, admitting to an extramarital affair. The affair was discovered during an FBI investigation, according to officials briefed on the developments. They spoke on condition of anonymity […]