Kansas Passes Bill Banning Sharia Law

Kansas Passes Bill Banning Sharia Law

A bill prohibiting courts and other government officials from using Sharia Law to make legal decisions has passed both houses of legislature in the state of Kansas. Although it is known as the “Sharia Bill,” the measure never mentions Islamic law, but broadly prohibits foreign laws from being used as reference guides in the state. […]

ABC Cancels Blasphemous ‘GCB’ TV Series Due to Poor Ratings

ABC Cancels Blasphemous ‘GCB’ TV Series Due to Poor Ratings

ABC has canceled “GCB” after its first series due to a lack of sufficient viewership. The program had angered many Christians nationwide, who called the drama series “blasphemy at its worst.” Originally entitled “Good Christian B——s,” the Sunday night soap opera featured popular female actors who portrayed scantily-clad churchgoing women that wielded sarcastic attitudes. Because […]

Romney Woos at Liberty Commencement, Others Express Concern

Romney Woos at Liberty Commencement, Others Express Concern

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney addressed a packed football stadium today as he gave a commencement speech at the world’s largest Christian university. While he did not speak directly about the Mormon religion, he made ecumenical efforts to appeal to the crowd on the basis of “common ground.” Referencing Billy Graham, C.S. Lewis, Chuck Colson […]

Falwell Admits Romney Invite His Idea; Will Invite Obama Before Election

Falwell Admits Romney Invite His Idea; Will Invite Obama Before Election

The president of the world’s largest Christian college admitted today that it was his idea to invite Mitt Romney to deliver this weekend’s commencement speech at the university, and that he plans to also invite Obama before the election. Jerry Falwell, Jr., who became president of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia following his father’s death […]

Romney Reiterates Support for Homosexual Adoption

Romney Reiterates Support for Homosexual Adoption

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney reiterated in an interview Thursday that while he disagrees with Obama regarding the issue of homosexual “marriage,” he is in favor of allowing same-sex couples to adopt children. Romney explained to Neil Cavuto of Fox News, “[I]f two people of the same gender want to live together, want to have […]

Obama’s Spiritual Advisor: ‘Christians Have Different Ways of Interpreting the Bible’

Obama’s Spiritual Advisor: ‘Christians Have Different Ways of Interpreting the Bible’

Obama’s spiritual advisor made public statements today following Obama’s declaration on national television that he now supports same-sex “marriage.” Mega-church pastor Joel Hunter of Orlando, Florida told the press that he received a telephone call from Obama after his interview with ABC News, informing him that he had just gone public with his beliefs on homosexual […]

NY Appeals Court: Viewing Child Porn OK

NY Appeals Court: Viewing Child Porn OK

Following Tuesday’s shocking ruling from the New York Court of Appeals that overturned a number of criminal convictions against a college professor who possessed over 30,000 images of child pornography, many across the state are dealing with feelings of fear and anger. The unanimous decision from the court remarked that viewing child pornography on the […]

Obama Declares Support for Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Following NC Ban

Obama Declares Support for Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Following NC Ban

Barack Obama announced today that he has reversed his longstanding opinion about same-sex “marriage” and now believes that homosexuals should be allowed to wed. His announcement follows yesterday’s landslide vote in the state of North Carolina, in which 60% of residents voted to add an amendment to the state Constitution, enshrining marriage as being between […]