U.S. Supreme Court Clears Way for New Challenge to Obamacare Over Abortion Pill Mandate

U.S. Supreme Court Clears Way for New Challenge to Obamacare Over Abortion Pill Mandate

The United States Supreme Court has cleared the way for a new challenge to the nation’s newly-enforced healthcare law, also known as Obamacare. The court, in opening its new term today, agreed to allow the evangelical Christian college Liberty University of Lynchburg, Virginia to contest the law in the nation’s highest court as it pertains […]

World Health Organization Urges Global Abortion-on-Demand and Disposal of Aborted Babies as ‘Waste’

World Health Organization Urges Global Abortion-on-Demand and Disposal of Aborted Babies as ‘Waste’

The World Health Organization (WHO) is coming under criticism after recently releasing a new manual that urges worldwide abortion-on-demand and the subsequent disposal of babies as “waste,” which includes flushing their blood into the sewer. The manual, the second of its kind, entitled Safe Abortion: Technical and Policy Guidance for Health Systems, explains that the […]

Former Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain: ‘Leave Abortion Alone’

Former Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain: ‘Leave Abortion Alone’

Former Republican presidential candidate and current United States Senator John McCain told reporters this morning that politicians should stop pushing the issue of abortion. McCain explained to Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday that he believes that there are more pressing matters in the nation. “I can state my position on abortion, but other than […]

Judge Who Sentenced Boy to Ten Years of Church Attendance Stands By Decision

Judge Who Sentenced Boy to Ten Years of Church Attendance Stands By Decision

Despite threats and complaints from the ACLU, as well as a variety of naysayers nationwide, a district court judge in Oklahoma is defending his recent decision to sentence a teenage boy to ten years of church attendance. As previously reported, 17-year-old Tyler Alred was convicted of manslaughter this past August after he was involved in […]

Atheist Groups Suing Cities Nationwide to Stop Prayer at City Hall Meetings

Atheist Groups Suing Cities Nationwide to Stop Prayer at City Hall Meetings

Several atheist activist organizations are continuing to sue cities nationwide in an effort to stop the prayers that open city hall meetings and other gatherings. Cities in California, Florida, Missouri, New York and Tennessee are all currently fighting lawsuits from atheists groups that seek to remove God from government, a battle that has raged in […]

Obama Omits Thanking God During Thanksgiving Address for Fourth Consecutive Year

Obama Omits Thanking God During Thanksgiving Address for Fourth Consecutive Year

Barack Obama delivered his annual Thanksgiving address from the White House yesterday, speaking on current issues such as the election and Hurricane Sandy. But it was the one subject that he omitted from his address that continued to sadden those who have observed the same pattern over his first four-year term, as he avoided discussing […]

4D Ultrasounds Reveal Babies Yawn in the Womb

Researchers in England have been using 4D ultrasound technology to study developing babies as they yawn in the womb. Nadja Reissland of Durham University’s Department of Psychology has been spearheading the research efforts, along with professors from Lancaster University. While there is a consensus that babies hiccup and swallow in the womb, there has been […]