Obama, Romney Agree: Employers Must Cover Contraception

Obama, Romney Agree: Employers Must Cover Contraception

During the second presidential debate between incumbent Barack Obama and his Republican contender Mitt Romney, both agreed that employers should be mandated to provide contraception coverage to their staff. The debate was held Tuesday night at Hofstra University near Long Island, New York, and was moderated by CNN’s Candy Crowley. While the night centered mostly […]

Oklahoma Residents Urge School District to Repeal Policy Banning Distribution of Bibles to Students

Oklahoma Residents Urge School District to Repeal Policy Banning Distribution of Bibles to Students

Grove, Oklahoma — Residents in the city of Grove, Oklahoma recently turned out for a school board meeting to urge officials to repeal its new policy prohibiting the distribution of Bibles to students. According to reports, it has long been a tradition by Gideons International to distribute pocket Bibles to fifth graders in the city. […]

Protesters Storm Church, Chant ‘If Mary Had Known About Abortion, We Wouldn’t Have This Nonsense’

Protesters Storm Church, Chant ‘If Mary Had Known About Abortion, We Wouldn’t Have This Nonsense’

Quebec, Canada — Pro-abortion protesters recently stormed an evangelical church in Canada during a conference on pro-life issues. According to reports, at least twenty protesters — all under the age of 25 — gathered outside of the Life Coalition Conference in Quebec to express their disapproval of the annual event. Various groups had advertised their […]

Ten Thousand Muslims Protest Google Over Video Mocking Islam

Ten Thousand Muslims Protest Google Over Video Mocking Islam

An estimated ten thousand Muslims protested outside of Google’s British headquarters in London today, calling upon the tech and search engine giant to remove a video that they believe mocks Islam. The protesters carried various signs with slogans such as, “Freedom of speech = hatred to Muslims?” and “We love our prophet more than our lives,” and […]

Biden, Ryan During Vice-Presidential Debate: ‘Life Begins at Conception’

Biden, Ryan During Vice-Presidential Debate: ‘Life Begins at Conception’

Vice President Joe Biden and Republican candidate Paul Ryan expounded on their views pertaining to abortion at last night’s vice presidential debate at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky. Martha Raddatz of ABC News served as moderator, and in noting that both candidates are Roman Catholic, asked how their faith influences their beliefs about abortion. “I […]

Rick Warren’s Appearance at Driscoll Leadership Conference Stirs Controversy

Rick Warren’s Appearance at Driscoll Leadership Conference Stirs Controversy

Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church wrapped up a two-day conference yesterday on leadership in Christian ministry, which featured among other speakers, Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life. Prior to the event, Driscoll released a video outlining why he decided to invite Warren to the conference, an offshoot of his ministry called “Resurgence.” […]

Harvard Students Celebrate Fornication With Annual ‘IncestFest’ Event

Harvard Students Celebrate Fornication With Annual ‘IncestFest’ Event

Students at Harvard University in Massachusetts will be hosting an event later this semester called IncestFest. The closed event involves residents of the Kirkland House, one of twelve undergraduate houses on campus. Both men and women live at Kirkland House, a location where a number of events take place throughout the year, including political gatherings. […]