Rebellion Erupts Over School’s Student-Chipping Plan

Rebellion Erupts Over School’s Student-Chipping Plan

A rebellion is developing in Texas against a plan by a school district in San Antonio that would monitor the exact location and activities of all students at all times through RFID chips they are being ordered to wear. Katie Deolloz, a member of Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering, told WND today that […]

Atheists’ Blasphemous ‘Jesus Toast’ Billboards Pulled in Charlotte After Public Outcry

Atheists’ Blasphemous ‘Jesus Toast’ Billboards Pulled in Charlotte After Public Outcry

A billboard advertisement mocking Christianity that was placed by a prominent atheist organization has been pulled following public outcry against its blasphemous message. American Atheists, founded by Madeline Murray O’Hair, says that it sought to place billboards taking issue with religion in politics near the sites of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions in order to […]

Wheaton College Lawsuit Against Obamacare’s Contraception Mandate Dismissed

Wheaton College Lawsuit Against Obamacare’s Contraception Mandate Dismissed

A federal judge has dismissed Wheaton College’s lawsuit against the Obama administration, objecting over a mandate that requires employee health insurance plans to cover contraception. Wheaton, a Christian liberal arts college in Illinois, filed a federal lawsuit in Washington, D.C. in July objecting to a U.S. Health & Human Services directive that employers must offer […]

Vermont Bed & Breakfast Owners Fined $10K for Objecting to Homosexuality, Give $20K to Lesbians

Vermont Bed & Breakfast Owners Fined $10K for Objecting to Homosexuality, Give $20K to Lesbians

The owners of a Vermont Bed and Breakfast have agreed to pay $10,000 in fines and another $20,000 in settlement funds surrounding same-sex civil union ceremonies held on their property. Jim and Mary O’Reilly own the Wildflower Inn in Lydonville, Vermont, a facility that for many years also hosted weddings. In 2000, then Governor Howard […]

Federal Appeals Court Throws Out ACLU Lawsuit Over Man Scared Away by Ten Commandments

Federal Appeals Court Throws Out ACLU Lawsuit Over Man Scared Away by Ten Commandments

A federal appeals court has thrown out a lawsuit filed by the ACLU, which challenged officials in Dixie County, Florida for displaying a privately-owned monument of the Ten Commandments on the county courthouse steps. The commandments were said to have discouraged a man from buying land in the county due to his offense at their […]

Huckabee Rallies Pastors to Support Akin, Rebukes GOP

Huckabee Rallies Pastors to Support Akin, Rebukes GOP

Tampa, Florida (CNN) – Mike Huckabee participated in a conference call Friday night with hundreds of Baptist pastors and Christian talk radio hosts in Missouri that was organized to coordinate a robust defense of Rep. Todd Akin as he faces pressure from Washington Republicans to drop his Senate bid against Democrat Claire McCaskill. Akin told […]

Missouri Conservatives Rally to Akin, Blast Republican ‘Establishment’

Missouri Conservatives Rally to Akin, Blast Republican ‘Establishment’

ST CHARLES, Missouri (Reuters) – Missouri conservatives say they are rallying around U.S. Senate candidate Todd Akin despite his controversial comments about rape because they are outraged that “establishment” Republican Party leaders tried to railroad him out of the race. A backlash has set in here in Akin’s suburban St. Louis congressional district, where supporters […]