Ohio State Psychology Course Teaches Christians Are Dumber Than Atheists

Ohio State Psychology Course Teaches Christians Are Dumber Than Atheists

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Students in an Ohio State University psychology class are being taught that atheists have higher IQs than Christians, according to a report from a college watchdog organization. Campus Reform notes that a question from a recent online psychology quiz from the university implied that religious beliefs were directly related to IQ levels. “Theo has an […]

Lawsuit Filed Against Mississippi Police Department for Intimidating Christians

Lawsuit Filed Against Mississippi Police Department for Intimidating Christians

JACKSON, Miss. — A pro-life legal organization has filed a federal lawsuit against a police department in Mississippi for violating the civil rights of Christians who conduct pro-life ministry outside of the last remaining abortion facility in the state. The Life Legal Defense Foundation filed suit on Wednesday against the Jackson Police Department on behalf […]

California County Commends Christian Pregnancy Center Despite ACLU Threats

California County Commends Christian Pregnancy Center Despite ACLU Threats

SAN ANDREAS, Calif. — A county board of supervisors in California has voted to uphold a resolution commending a local Christian pregnancy center despite threats from a prominent church-state separation group to file a lawsuit over the matter. The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors originally approved the measure applauding the ministry Doors of Hope in […]

Christian Baker Ordered to Bake Cakes for Same-Sex ‘Weddings’ Files Appeal

Christian Baker Ordered to Bake Cakes for Same-Sex ‘Weddings’ Files Appeal

DENVER — A Christian baker in Colorado who was ordered to make cakes for same-sex ‘weddings,’ to reeducate his staff to conform with anti-discrimination laws and to submit quarterly reports proving his compliance with the order has filed an appeal with the Colorado Court of Appeals. As previously reported, Dave Mullin and Charlie Craig visited Masterpiece Cake Shop in […]

‘Christianity is Abhorrent’: More Atheistic Materials to be Distributed in Public Schools

‘Christianity is Abhorrent’: More Atheistic Materials to be Distributed in Public Schools

ORLANDO – A federal judge has given a secular organization the green light to distribute more atheistic and anti-Christian materials to Florida public school students, in spite of the materials’ graphic content and offensive language. As previously reported, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) learned last year that a Christian ministry had made Bibles available […]

City Cuts Contract with Christian College Over Biblical Position on Homosexuality

City Cuts Contract with Christian College Over Biblical Position on Homosexuality

SALEM, Mass. — The mayor of a city in Massachusetts has ended a contract with an area Christian college because of the institution’s biblical beliefs about homosexual behavior. Salem Mayor Kimberley Driscoll recently sent a letter to Michael Lindsay, the president of Gordon College, advising that the school could no longer manage the Old Town Hall because it […]

School District That Attempted to Censor Christian: We’re ‘Obligated’ to Ban God

School District That Attempted to Censor Christian: We’re ‘Obligated’ to Ban God

BRAWLEY, Calif. — A school district in California has refused to apologize for disallowing its 2014 salutatorian to speak about his faith during his graduation speech, contending that it was ‘obligated’ to ban the mention of God from the event. As previously reported, Brawley Union High School student Brooks Hamby defied school officials last month in presenting a […]