‘America for Jesus’ Rally Draws Both Crowds and Concerns

‘America for Jesus’ Rally Draws Both Crowds and Concerns

Thousands gathered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this weekend for a large-scale prayer event called America for Jesus. While some openly welcomed the gathering, others expressed concern over the apostasy of a number of the scheduled speakers. As previously reported, America for Jesus is led by megachurch speaker and author Anne Gimenez of Rock Church in Virginia […]

Texas Baptist ‘Church’ Supports Planned Parenthood as Part of Missions Funding

Texas Baptist ‘Church’ Supports Planned Parenthood as Part of Missions Funding

A Baptist church in Texas has made Planned Parenthood part of its missions budget, and hosted a seminar last evening to further provide support. Lake Shore Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, led by Dorisanne Cooper, formed what it calls a “covenant group” that pledges to be be active in providing resources to the abortion giant. […]

New York City Schools Distributing Free Contraceptives to Kids Without Parental Consent

New York City Schools Distributing Free Contraceptives to Kids Without Parental Consent

The New York City Department of Education has announced that it has expanded a pilot program across thirteen area high schools, which will provide free contraceptives to students without parental consent. The program is called CATCH (Connecting Adolescents To Comprehensive Health) and was launched in an effort to prevent teenage pregnancy. While there are no […]

Romney-Ryan Ticket Seduces Evangelicals at Ecumenical Values Voter Summit

Romney-Ryan Ticket Seduces Evangelicals at Ecumenical Values Voter Summit

Washington, D.C. — Presidential contender Mitt Romney and running mate Paul Ryan addressed attendees of the 2012 Values Voter Summit this past weekend, an ecumenical event hosted by the Family Research Council, led by Tony Perkins. The annual event featured dozens of prominent evangelicals, along with those from other faiths, such as former presidential candidate […]

Republicans Overwhelmingly Approve House Measure Funding Obamacare and Planned Parenthood

Republicans Overwhelmingly Approve House Measure Funding Obamacare and Planned Parenthood

The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a stop-gap budget measure on Thursday, which leaves federal funding at the status quo, including the provisions outlined in Obamacare and the millions endowed to the abortion giant Planned Parenthood. The bill provides for over $1 trillion in funding to the federal government for the next six months, and […]

Obama Campaign to Romney: Taking ‘God’ Off Currency as Likely as Aliens Attacking Florida

Obama Campaign to Romney: Taking ‘God’ Off Currency as Likely as Aliens Attacking Florida

The Obama campaign swung back at Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney yesterday in response to remarks from the contender that if he were elected, he would not remove the mention of God from American currency. “The president believes as much that God should be taken off a coin as he does that aliens will attack […]

Famed Cheers Actor to Pro-Lifer at DNC: ‘You Should Have Been Aborted’

Famed Cheers Actor to Pro-Lifer at DNC: ‘You Should Have Been Aborted’

Christians who traveled to the Democratic National Convention to be a voice for unborn children state that they had an interesting encounter yesterday with a well-known actor. As previously reported, throughout the week, Christians from across the country descended upon the Democratic National Convention to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to expose the […]

Democrats Vehemently Oppose Restoring ‘God’ to Platform

Democrats Vehemently Oppose Restoring ‘God’ to Platform

Following public outcry, Democrats took a vote today regarding whether or not to restore the mention of God and Jerusalem to the party platform. Much to the confusion of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who presided over the voice vote, delegates were just as strongly opposed to reinstating the mentions as they were in favor of […]

Evangelists Descend Upon Democratic National Convention to Preach Repentance and Faith in Christ

Evangelists Descend Upon Democratic National Convention to Preach Repentance and Faith in Christ

A number of evangelists from across the country have descended upon the streets of Charlotte, North Carolina to reach out to attendees of the Democratic National Convention. As thousands gather in preparation for Thursday’s acceptance speech of Barack Obama, the evangelists state that they are using the opportunity to call the nation to repentance. “We […]