Sikh Woman Presents Prayer to Waheguru at Republican National Convention

Sikh Woman Presents Prayer to Waheguru at Republican National Convention

CLEVELAND, Ohio — On the same day that the founder of “Muslims for Trump” delivered a benediction at the Republican National Convention, a Sikh woman from California also took the stage to present a prayer on behalf of Sikhism. Harmeet Dhillon, an attorney and soon-to-be national RNC member, took to the podium on Tuesday shortly before […]

Five Officers Dead, Seven Wounded After Sniper Who ‘Wanted to Kill White People’ Goes on Rampage

Five Officers Dead, Seven Wounded After Sniper Who ‘Wanted to Kill White People’ Goes on Rampage

(Reuters) — At least one sniper in Dallas killed five police officers and wounded seven more in a coordinated attack that ended when police used a bomb to kill a shooter who told them he wanted to kill white officers, authorities said Friday. The attack came during one of several protests across the United States […]

Hillary Clinton Marches in New York City Homosexual Pride Parade

Hillary Clinton Marches in New York City Homosexual Pride Parade

NEW YORK — Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton marched in New York City’s homosexual pride parade on Sunday, waving a rainbow flag. According to reports, Clinton marched for two blocks in the area of the Stonewall Inn, a tavern that the Obama administration has sought to have dedicated as a monument to homosexual rights. She […]

U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Abortion Law as Creating ‘Undue Burden on Abortion Access’

U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Abortion Law as Creating ‘Undue Burden on Abortion Access’

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed a victory to abortion rights advocates, striking down a Texas law imposing strict regulations on abortion doctors and facilities that its critics contended were specifically designed to shut down clinics. The 5-3 ruling held that the Republican-backed 2013 law placed an undue burden on women […]

Church Plant Part of Tim Keller’s ‘Gospel Coalition’ Urges Pastors to ‘Tell Us to Vote for Clinton’

Church Plant Part of Tim Keller’s ‘Gospel Coalition’ Urges Pastors to ‘Tell Us to Vote for Clinton’

WASHINGTON — A leader at a Washington, D.C. assembly that is a part of Tim Keller’s Gospel Coalition recently penned an article asserting that pastors nationwide should encourage their congregations to vote for Hillary Clinton. Nick Rodriguez is a member of Anacostia River Church, a congregation planted by Mark Dever and led by Thabiti Anyabwile. […]

Tim Keller’s Redeemer Presbyterian Ministry Director Regular Donor to Bernie Sanders Campaign

Tim Keller’s Redeemer Presbyterian Ministry Director Regular Donor to Bernie Sanders Campaign

NEW YORK — In the midst of a famine in the professing American church for biblical instruction on selecting leaders for civil government, public records show that a ministry leader at Redeemer Presbyterian Church, founded and led by popular megachurch pastor and author Tim Keller, has been a consistent donor to the Bernie Sanders campaign. The Federal Elections […]

Chelsea Clinton Claims: Abortion Is ‘at the Core of Our Human Rights’

Chelsea Clinton Claims: Abortion Is ‘at the Core of Our Human Rights’

POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. — Speaking to a small crowd of about 100 people in Poughkeepsie, New York on Sunday, Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, asserted that abortion is a core “human right.” In being greeted with a standing ovation at the Civil Service Employee Union’s office, Clinton spoke on gun control, […]

United Church of Canada Rejects Atheist Minister’s Attempt to Stop Review, Possible Defrocking

United Church of Canada Rejects Atheist Minister’s Attempt to Stop Review, Possible Defrocking

TORONTO — An ordained minister with the United Church of Canada has lost her appeal to stop an official review of her qualifications to be a church leader as she is a professing atheist. “I don’t believe in … the god called God,” Gretta Vosper told the Globe and Mail last year. “Using the word gets in the […]

Franklin Graham Claims Christians Must Vote for ‘Least Heathen’ Candidate

Franklin Graham Claims Christians Must Vote for ‘Least Heathen’ Candidate

In an interview this week with the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Franklin Graham stated that Christians must vote, even if it means holding their nose and selecting the “least heathen of the two heathens.” “There is a left movement within the evangelical community that are telling people, ‘If so-and-so wins or this person wins don’t […]

‘It’s Not My Job to … Determine Their Salvation’: Baptist Woman Wears Hijab to Unite With Muslims

‘It’s Not My Job to … Determine Their Salvation’: Baptist Woman Wears Hijab to Unite With Muslims

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A Missouri woman whose husband works as a youth pastor recently decided to wear a hijab each Monday to show solidarity with Muslims, and states that it is not her “job to judge them or determine their salvation.” Martha DeVries, 47, serves as a high school counselor and attends Chandler Baptist in […]

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